I think this piece by Maria Schmidt at Brussels Signal is perhaps the harshest criticism of Angela Merkel I have ever read. Here’s a sample:
Merkel was an emotionless, heartless, cold, cruel, pragmatic and vindictive political operator. She did not truly lead Germany, or Europe, because she lacked the necessary imagination, creativity and commitment. She managed things. She was sunk in day-to-day politics, adapting her positions and opinions to the findings of focus groups and opinion polls. As a result, she fatally failed to take any decision that had medium- or long-term consequences. She took no risks, ran every conflict into the sand, blunted them and damped them down. Her guiding principle was, “After me, the flood.”
Merkel did not create anything, and did not build anything. Her time in power was marked by wasted opportunities, missed chances and irredeemably bad decisions that have squandered the future of Germans and Europeans. She robbed them of 16 years, because she diminished both Germany and Europe with her dilatory, indecisive, shiftless, soporific policies. She tore the continent’s societies apart, condemned its economies to stagnation, stifled its capacity for innovation, and extinguished its ambition.
While this, if true, is a scathing indictment:
In Merkel’s sixteen years as Chancellor, both she and Germany aged into shabbiness, greyness and ungainliness. In her monotone, dull and inelegant jackets, pants and shoes, she was the personification of the former GDR, in whose image she moulded the whole of Germany. She abolished freedom of speech, rendering the media uniform, boring and decrepit, and the country’s public figures slovenly and unkempt. Today Germany, once a better place, has become one big GDR.
This is much what I’ve been saying for some time:
She acted against the German army, and in the process she eviscerated it. She permanently weakened it, and suffocated its fighting spirit with the help of her protégé, the incompetent Ursula von der Leyen. She abolished universal conscription and reduced the armaments and equipment of the troops to the point of absurdity. In 2022, at the time of the shamefully precipitate US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the German army was unable to bring home its contingent there. They had no transport aircraft, and the task was beyond their logistical capabilities.
which is why achieving the “2% guideline” for NATO members is irrelevant, misdirection. Germany’s problem is lack of preparedness. 2% of GDP might not be enough to remedy that. 10% if GDP might not be enough. And if Germany with a quarter of total European GDP is not prepared, Europe is not prepared.
There is one particular on which I disagree with Dr. Schmidt. If her observations are true, did she not read her own piece? If Ms. Merkel’s every policy position was the outcome of a focus group, the problem with Germany is not Angela Merkel but Germany. Angela Merkel is only the symptom not the disease.
Read the whole thing.