In her New York Times column Maureen Dowd has an unusually emphatic plea:
Lord Almighty, Joe, let it go!
but a little later in the column she states pretty clearly why President Biden’s inner circle is undoubtedly giving him exactly the opposite advice:
The race for the Oval today is between two delusional, selfish, stubborn old guys, and that’s a depressing state of affairs.
As for those D.C. careerists surrounding Biden who a) hid his true condition; b) gaslighted the press for focusing on what they called a nonexistent age issue; c) shielded the president from the truth about his cratering chances of winning; and d) seem to have put their self-interest first?
One way or the other, they’ll probably be out of their jobs soon.
What she doesn’t do and to the best of my knowledge no one else has either, is explain how we got in the position of having a choice between “two delusional, selfish, stubborn old guys”, one of whom has been rejected by the country once already and the other was rejected multiple times by his own party before becoming its standard-bearer.
BTW there’s bad news for Kamala Harris if President Biden stays in the race and re-elected. According to the Social Security Administration actuarial table, he’s likely to be alive at the end of his second term. What condition he will be in in 2028 I can only speculated on. And the full depletion of the Social Security Trust Fund should take place during a second term of his successor whoever that might be.
Most likely only a few people really know the true depth of Biden’s health situation. Was his defiant stance to stay in the office and race, as long as he did, to then step down after he won the election to save our country?
So, Maureen Dowd was confused by her own eyes for the past four years. I guess there was no app for that.
How did we get to this point? Again, there is no app for Alternative to Old White Guys Running for President.
I think her “b) … gaslighting …” takes the proverbial cake. When she was educated, the curriculum should have been somewhat traditional. She and members of the press around her age should be able to have some ability of independent thought, but no.
@Dave Schuler
I have given up, but it seems you are still fighting. It is a losing battle. When a “security company” pushes out a f*cked file, are things going to get any better?
Is CrowdStrike going to test more rigorously, meaning costly? Are they going to push out updates incrementally? Are the companies affected going to think, maybe it is a bad idea to rely on somebody else for our security instead of saving a few bucks? If CrowdStrike goes under, will another company take their place?
Finally, will I be locked up on the nut ward for refusing to turn on location and accepting Terms of Service?