What’s the Argument In Favor of Ethnic Cleansing?

Could someone explain to me the argument in favor of ethnic cleansing including why Americans should support it? I don’t support it regardless of who is practicing it: Germans, French, Dutch, Israelis, Palestinians, Ukrainians, Russians, anybody.

If your argument is a historical argument, it should rely on actual history rather than one side or another’s propaganda. For example, in Ukraine nearly all of the “Russianization” took place between 1897 and 1939. In other words it was the grandparents, great-parents, or great-great-grandparents of the present ethnic Russians in Ukraine who moved there. Take Odesa (Odessa), for example. It has been multi-ethnic since at least Catherine the Great’s time. Up until the last 50 or 60 years the largest ethnic group in the city were ethnic Russians.

Similarly in Israel. There have been Jews in the country the Romans called Palestine since Roman times at least. There have also been a few Bedouin Arabs there since then but most of the Arab population arrived after the 12th century. Most of the period since then Palestine was owned and ruled by the Ottoman.

I don’t think that Americans should be taking sides in the ethnic conflicts of other countries. I guess I could be persuaded differently by a convincing enough argument.

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  • Grey Shambler Link

    If you are asking about Gaza, the leaders of Gaza (unless they surrender) are Hamas.
    They by their charter, exist for the purposes of destroying Israel and seizing all of their territory.
    In planning the October attack, they drew up maps, dividing Israel amongst themselves, confident Allah would deliver victory.
    Just as the Allies crushed Germany until Germans denounced Nazism and surrendered, Israel requires surrender from this committed enemy.
    It’s not genocide, it’s war.

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