Trading Places

You know, I’d bet that the people who defended Bill Clinton for lying under oath because it was just about sex didn’t realize that by doing that they were also giving a pass to Donald Trump paying off porn stars and lying about it. Or that they and Republicans would be trading places on this as on so many other policies.

I’d bet that Republicans who castigated Bill Clinton for his extramarital affairs and sexual predations didn’t think they’d be voting for Donald Trump.

So, for example, liberals used to oppose racial discrimination. Now they support it but call it something different. They used to support free speech and criticize loyalty oaths.

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  • bob sykes Link

    Bill Clinton wasn’t accused of extramarital affairs, he was accused of actual, violent rape and, in the case of Monica Lewinsky, sexual harassment. Trump was accused of paying Stormy Daniels, a prostitute, for sex. So these cases aren’t exactly comparable. Rape is a felony, prostitution is a lesser crime.

    None the less, I voted for Trump knowing the kind of dog he is, knowing that dealing with NYC’s communists and mafiosi involves all sorts of payoffs. But all the other Republicans were complicit in the Deep State/Cabal treason that has nearly wrecked this country and immiserated the working class I came from. And he prevented Hillary Clinton, a true psychopathic monster, from becoming President.

    I will vote for him again in 2020. And I will fight to keep him in office.

    I read your stuff every day. I know you think of yourself as liberal. But Trump is on your side and the side of your family. Obama and the Democrats were and are your and your family’s mortal enemies.

    Obama and the Democrats are the enemies of every working class and middle class person, even the blacks. They are as bad as the Dixiecrats of my yout.

  • I know you think of yourself as liberal.

    I think of myself as a centrist. Or eclectic. I definitely do not think of myself as a progressive. As a general rule I think that classifying someone’s political views frequently tells more about the person doing the classifying than it does about the person being classified.

  • Guarneri Link

    We just finished breakfast here in western Alaska. Seated next to us were some CA liberals. Their entire conversation was dominated by outrage and hate. Trump this, Trump that. Women, “truth challenged” the nation on the brink of hell. They were too loud to ignore, but sad to overhear. One woman, after proclaiming her moral superiority for being willing to pay taxes (not how much in taxes, mind you) declared het intent to move to England, where everything is better, and offered she would like to shoot the president first. Save the nation you know. It wasn’t an offhand crack. She had malice in her voice. Nice.

    Its fine to have political differences, even strong ones with self perceived best and heartfelt intent. To come to sites like this and read, proclaim, debate. Fine. But when it dominates and becomes an obsession that changes ones faculties it really is a sign of personality disorder. I feel sorry for those people.

  • steve Link

    “Bill Clinton wasn’t accused of extramarital affairs, he was accused of actual, violent rape and, in the case of Monica Lewinsky, sexual harassment.”

    The same accusations have been made about Trump, maybe with better evidence.

    “So, for example, liberals used to oppose racial discrimination. Now they support it but call it something different. They used to support free speech and criticize loyalty oaths.”

    Conservatives used to believe that character counts. They gave that up in a big way. They elected a guy who is a crook, who has essentially never done anything for anyone other than himself, and is doing the same thing as POTUS. Very sad that some people think he cares about them. (And actually, most on the left oppose racial discrimination. Read your own articles.)


  • Andy Link


    I think you’re right about GoP hypocrisy – in that sense partisans are more alike than different. Which probably explains why they hate each other so much.

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