The Annual Ritual

When Jack and I set out on our morning walk this morning we saw many, many moms, dads, and their kids engaging in an annual ritual: the first day of school. In this neighborhood it is a commonplace for one parent, mom or dad, to accompany their child to school every day. Today was distinctive because in so many cases both parents were making the trek.

I remember my first day of school. I think I was five. My mom walked me to school to show me the way. I think that was the last time either of my parents ever walked me to school. I’m sure I remember my first day of school because it was the first time I had ever spent that much time without one of my parents. Nowadays nursery school or day care of some sort before the age of five is a commonplace but that wasn’t within my experience.

When my younger siblings started kindergarten walking them to school was my responsibility.

As Jack and I walked I asked one of the sets of parents whether they remembered their first day of school. Neither of them did.

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  • Grey Shambler Link

    Make me think about one of the most poignant moments of my life.
    My young son and I were walking our dogs together, talking, just a couple of blocks from home, when he took my hand, now he was 8 or 9 years old and I was painfully aware that it was an absent minded act he would have been embarrassed to be caught at.
    Painfully because I was also aware that it would never happen again, and of course it never did.
    Still brings tears.

  • steve Link

    6 different schools from 1st-12th grades, no kindergarten. 4 rural so that was bus time but of the two that were walking distance neither parent walked with me or siblings. They made sure I was with them when we registered at new school then night before reminded me to go down the hill and turn right. Mostly I just watched where the other kids went. Of course that was back in the days when we got thrown out of the house after breakfast and were only allowed back in to eat or use bathroom. Being boys we just peed in the woods. Once we got bikes we would travel miles away and mothers had no idea where we were.

    Definitely dont remember first day. Remember the teacher as she liked to beat kids. Two separate paddles. One if you actually did something bad and the other if you got a lower grade on a test or homework then she thought you should.


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