Puppy pictures of the day

Qila, Tally, Will, and Nola

All of the adult dogs have really taken to the puppies. There’s a joy in the pack that I haven’t seen since Jenny died.

Qila, Tally, Will, and Nola

In this and the picture above Qila and Tally are taking care of Will and Nola.

Qila, Will, and Nola

The puppies are absolutely fascinated by Qila. Will, in particular, seems to really idolize him—he follows him everywhere. Qila is a little hesitant to let the puppies get too close—he’ll warn them off but I haven’t seen him this happy in months, maybe years. The puppies have put a new spring in his step.

In this picture Qila is watching over the puppies (he didn’t have to sit here—there are plenty of other places—he chose this location). Note that the puppies, too, are clustering as close to him as they can.

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