How Dare You?

Imagine a United States in which hijabs, niqabs, or other garments proclaiming Islam were forbidden, in which it was illegal to bring or even own a Qur’an, and in which building mosques was strictly prohibited. That, mutatis mutandis is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that Alwaleed bin Talal calls home.

I think that a certain someone’s (He Who Must Not Be Named) call for a temporary ban on issuing visas to Muslims is excessive. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that the real outrage is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Saudi princes should just STFU. If we’re going to start denying visas to anybody that would be a darned fine place to start.

9 comments… add one
  • Jimbino Link

    That’s right. And we should also be denying visas to any country whose laws threaten our atheists, agnostics and humanists with death on account of non-belief.

  • Ken Hoop Link

    Why aren’t we in the streets condemning Obama’s ruthless support of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing barbarian war in Yemen?

  • Ebenzer_Arvigenius Link

    And there I thought we would never agree on any political topic 😀

  • Michael reynolds Link

    This is the problem with your politically clueless psychopath: Trump should have called for cutting off Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq. Your better class of psycho would have known. Ted Cruz would have known.

    Saudi Arabia is what we think Iran is: the focus of evil in the modern world.

  • G . Shambler Link

    Yeah, and is their oil all that important anymore? BUT then, if not, why did I ask that question rather than our peace loving, oil hating president? Why DOES Obama continue 40 year old policies toward this “Monarchy”?
    Yes I’ve heard of them using snipers to shoot children to dispel crowds of protesters in Yemen. I hope not Americans, but they are probably mercenaries.
    But back to Obama, as he would say, Is this who we are?

  • ... Link

    Why aren’t we in the streets condemning Obama’s ruthless support of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing barbarian war in Yemen?

    Because the “peace movement” in this country is only truly a front for the Democratic Party, and doesn’t give a fuck who gets killed unless they can somehow pin it on Republicans.

    Yeah, and is their oil all that important anymore?

    It apparently is, because they’re using it top destroy their enemies by crushing the price of oil on the markets. Their enemies include Iran, Russia, and, of course, the Americans. Err, the American oil industry, that is. Really, what Saudi Arabia is doing now is trying to crush their opponents at the bank before the House of Saud runs out of money itself. I think the Americans and the Russians should call their bluff by using government money to prop up local producers* until the Saudis go broke in a couple of years. Here in the US the government could call it a plan to protect a strategically important industry. (Of course, the Saudis own most of Congress that the Israelis don’t own, so it won’t happen. Plus, our leaders are too stupid and/or too evil to do anything like this anyway.) The Saudis won’t last long without mountains of cash.

    * Effectively the Russians are likely to do this if the oil oligarchs are still in with Putin, as that’s pretty much how Russia is run these days.

  • steve Link

    15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. They have funded ISIS. In the past we always look doth other way because they have the oil. Now, they have become buddies with Israel, our true BFF. It still doesn’t make that much sense to try to hold an entire faith, especially not one with central control, responsible for the acts of a few of its adherents. However, nation-states do have central control and they should be held liable for the actions of its citizens, especially when they are repetitive and it is clear that the government is also engaged in at, the very least, funding the same kinds of actions that result in terror activity.


  • My complaints about the Saudis weren’t intended to be comprehensive, steve. I was just scratching the surface.

    They practice slavery, both at home and when they live in other countries. They have supported pedophilia. They have rejected the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    They suppress women. They suppress minorities. They persecute religion including Islam (anything other than Wahhabism). They let little girls burn to death rather than being saved by men they aren’t related to. The full list of indictments is beyond reckoning. They are hostis humani generis.

    They are the opposite of everything we or the English or the French are supposed to stand for.

  • jan Link

    In the meantime Iran is openly testing a 2nd ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to the U.S. However, the fact that such a launching hasn’t occurred yet, let’s just settle on dissing the Saudis, who basically have the same prejudices and practices as the current Iranian government has.

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