Does Wisdom Come With Age?

I materially agree with the view of the editors of the Wall Street Journal on visas for our Afghan interpreters and their families:

Last month Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hinted that the military could evacuate translators and others who worked with the U.S. A Milley spokesman later clarified that “an evacuation is not imminent,” and the Biden Administration doesn’t seem interested. A mass evacuation wouldn’t create the optics the White House wants to see—especially as it insists the U.S. will remain committed to Afghanistan diplomatically. But it could save countless lives, and Guam could be a temporary haven as the visa process plays out.

Congress has a role to play. It likely will include legislation for more visas for the SIV program in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act. But President Biden as Commander in Chief can press Congress to simplify the visa rules or order an evacuation.

“The United States has no obligation to evacuate one, or 100,001, South Vietnamese,” then-Sen. Biden said in 1975 as the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam. The result was the exodus of the “boat people,” many of whom died in the open ocean, that was a stain on America. Mr. Biden has an opportunity—make that an obligation—to do better by thousands of Afghans.

If a plan hasn’t been developed for this it would be a grave omission. Let’s see if at 78 Joe Biden has more compassion and prudence than he did when he was in his 30s.

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  • steve Link

    How much of this can he do on his own orders? Nothing will get past the Senate.


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