Coal Usage Grows

You might find this report by Sibi Arasu of the Associated Press interesting:

The coal fleet grew by 19.5 gigawatts last year, enough to light up around 15 million homes, with nearly all newly commissioned coal projects in China, according to a report by Global Energy Monitor, an organization that tracks a variety of energy projects around the globe.

That 1% increase comes at a time when the world needs to retire its coal fleet four and a half times faster to meet climate goals, the report said. In 2021, countries around the world promised to phase down the use of coal to help achieve the goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit).

“The more new coal projects come online, the steeper the cuts and commitments need to be in the future,” said Flora Champenois, the report’s lead author and the project manager for GEM’s Global Coal Plant Tracker.

China added 26.8 gigawatts and India added about 3.5 gigawatts of new coal power capacity to their electricity grids. China also gave clearance for nearly 100 gigawatts of new coal power projects with construction likely to begin this year

As I have been saying for the last 20 years, any effective effort to reduce carbon emissions must include China. Now add India to that prescription as well. Furthermore, buying solar panels and batteries manufactured using electricity generated by burning coal is counter-productive.

9 comments… add one
  • bob sykes Link

    China, India, and Africa are all rapidly expanding their coal-fired electrical generating capacity. Even Germany is retarting some coal plants, and they even shut down a wind-power station to open a coal mine.

    This whole Net Zero, AGW thing is a scam and a hoax. It is a physical impossibility to replace fossil fuels and nuclear power with wind and solar. The attempt must end in de-industrialization, de-agriculturalization, a nd de-population.

    All that might be a good thing for the World, or at least the ROW, if it can be confined to the US and EU.

    can you see just how utterly delusional Arasu is?

  • steve Link

    China is adding about 200 gigawatts per year of renewable, largely wind and solar, energy every year.


  • As long as China continues to increase its carbon emissions, the percentage by which it increases other means is irrelevant.

  • Drew Link

    Well, Dave beat me to it. But congratulations, Steve, on another pathetic attempt to divert attention from the elephant in the room.

    We shouldn’t commit industrial suicide while a major enemy continues to act like, well, a major enemy. And worse, all for a whacky theory that never predicts anything correctly. How many years until we are all extinct, or Miami is under water? 5. 10. 15. 20 years ago?

  • steve Link

    No. Remember that they are also shutting down old coal plants. So we arent going to do magic. Replace old dirtier coal plants with new ones while building out more renewables, including nuclear which they are doing. They will eventually be able not shut off the coal plants, their stated goal, which looking at their numbers looks like what they are doing. Note that they had been building a much lower number of coal plants but they are seeing a surge in need since droughts have been affecting their hydro.

    What you guys are doing is saying that because they will only reach 95% of their goal by a stated date its a failure. I am pretty happy with 95% and it can take a few more years to reach the full goal.


  • What you guys are doing is saying that because they will only reach 95% of their goal by a stated date its a failure

    That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that to achieve the goal, even to improve things, China’s got to reduce carbon emissions. That using coal as a percentage of total energy generation goes down is irrelevant as long as its carbon emissions keep going up. See here.

  • steve Link

    And I keep saying that we arent going to meet those goals. A more realistic goal is to try to reduce emissions as much and as quickly as possible with he proviso that you also cant seriously hinder economic growth. What we really dont want is for China to keep building all of its new power sources as coal plants.


  • Andy Link

    “A more realistic goal is to try to reduce emissions as much and as quickly as possible with he proviso that you also cant seriously hinder economic growth. ”

    Basically, one is reducing emissions significantly (US emissions have basically been flat), and China’s emissions are increasing substantially, therefore total CO2 output is increasing and climate goals will fail.

    As even John Kerry admitted, we could reduce our carbon emissions to zero and that would only be a temporary respite because of, primarily, China and India.

  • Drew Link

    “What we really dont want is for China to keep building all of its new power sources as coal plants.”

    Nice juke and jive. And I want a pony.

    The classification of China as a developing nation is all you need to know. They are playing people like you for fools, and are on their merry way while we commit economic seppuku. We shouldn’t play along.

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