Cannon to Right of Them, Cannon to Left of Them

I thought it was just my imagination, that the Left Blogosphere had become distressingly dull and dry. Apparently not:

But with another critical election two weeks away, politicians, political operatives, and even the bloggers themselves say the Netroots are a whisper of what they were only four years ago, a dial-up modem in a high-speed world, and that the brigade of laptop-wielding revolutionaries who stormed the convention castle four years ago have all but disappeared as a force within the Democratic Party.

I am a centrist and a moderate. I don’t identify either with the Right or the Left. Indeed, my eyes start to glaze over when I read the words “the Right” or “the Left”. And I vastly prefer a tempered, controlled level of discourse. I think such control promotes discourse where vitriol discourages it.

I do find it sad that the Left Blogosphere has fallen from its heights. I’m even sadder than there’s so little interaction between the two biggest corners of the American political blogosphere. Echo chambers are maddening whatever they’re echoing.

In my view there are a number of reasons for this that go unmentioned in the cited post, a collection of remembrances and interviews. I think these things are interrelated.

First, both political parties are dominated by technocrats and professional organizers. They have been, are, and always will be. Recent Harvard grad who hews to the party line, won’t pee on the carpet, and do what he’s told? Have or can raise money? Welcome, friend! Otherwise, fuggedaboutit. There isn’t much room for mavericks or, at least, mavericks without money.

And, as I’ve complained before, a lot of those in the Left Blogosphere really sound as though they’re angling for a job, presumably as a media consultant for a Democratic campaign or administration somewhere. There aren’t nearly as many of those jobs available as there are Left Blogosphere bloggers who want them.

Second, sadly, a lot of the Left Blogosphere bloggers of those olden days were sold a bill of goods. The people they put their support behind are narcissists who don’t give a darn about improving things, good or honest government, or much of anything else except getting elected to office and raising money to get elected to office.

They shouldn’t feel so all alone. The Right Blogosphere bloggers of today will be disappointed, too, because the people they put their support behind are narcissists who don’t give a darn about improving things, good or honest government, or much of anything else except getting elected to office and raising money to get elected to office.

Third, a lot of the discontent that was out there was just plain anti-Bush. No Bush, no urgency. Yes, there are a few True Believers out there. Glenn Greenwald comes to mind. I doff my figurative hat to him. I don’t really have a hat head.

7 comments… add one
  • A good part of this could be applied to parts of the right blogosphere too, don’t you think?

    I’m not going to name names, but there are many sites on the right that seem to be nothing more than breeding grounds for the latest version of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    I find that there are a core group of bloggers (right, center, and left) I consistently enjoy reading even when I disagree with them and, ironically, they are generally the ones I started out reading way, way back in the day. But the rabidly partisan crowd? I can do without them, especially for the next 13 days.

  • Good God Doug don’t let any of the OTB commenters see that comment, their heads would explode…..wait…that isn’t a bad thing.

  • Absolutely, Doug. I tried to convey that impression in the post but perhaps I was too understated. Believe me, I see it.

    Without Obama Derangement Syndrome or hatred of Muslims there are blogs I know of that wouldn’t have anything to say at all.

    However, I don’t think that the Right Blogosphere has seen the drastic fall-off in traffic that the Left Blogosphere has seen over the last couple of years. Yes, traffic, generally, has declined. But not by half which is, I think, what the Left Blogosphere has been contending with.

  • Ben Wolf Link

    Glenn Greenwald is one of the very few bloggers out there who seems to care nothing for power or status. He’s also one of a handful totally consistent in their criticisms regardless of what party is in power, and a tireless advocate for justice and protection of our liberties.

    I very much admire the man.

  • steve Link

    I think you hit some of the reasons. You get the strongest responses when you something/someone to hate. Bush, then Palin provided that inspiration. (The whole genius of talk radio is the constant generation of faux outrage.) That accounts for a lot of the drop off. Also, health care reform was passed, so there are no burning issues for the left. Tax reform, debt reduction and immigration reform are important, but dont have the same emotional oomph.

    Last of all, I dont think many of us really believe that Romney will be that much different than Obama. Neither has much of an economic plan. Congress will continue to block everything until they can’t. Both are on the hawkish side when it comes to foreign policy.


  • Shouldn’t this be titled: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right

  • Andy Link

    “the Left Blogosphere had become distressingly dull and dry”

    For me it’s the Blogosphere in general – it’s not just the political blogs. That’s probably just me though.

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