And What About the Mayor of San Juan?

I’m not sure which is more likely. That the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico will be increasingly considered an “American hero”, as claimed by Mike Lupica in the New York Daily News or that mainland Democrats will quickly start backing away from her.

9 comments… add one
  • bob sykes Link

    She is becoming as radioactive as Ray Nagin. How has his brilliant career progressed? Is he out on parole yet?

  • walt moffett Link

    Lot depends on whether she might increase Puerto Rican turnout in NYC, Chicago and LA. However, she has impeccable Trump hate credentials, why not both? Membership in a out of sight committee, the occasional essay at the usual places yet never at the head table on the rubber chicken circuit.

  • jan Link

    The San Juan mayor has become a perfect example of a political low-life. Almost everything she has said has come under scrutiny of the truth spoken by other PR officials, the FEMA head, and honest people on the street who have taken to recording their discontent of her.

  • steve Link

    Trump, with his usual bluster, announced that the effort in Puerto Rico was the biggest and best ever. Everything was under perfect control. The mayor had to speak up and point out that they still needed a lot more help. For this, she gets crucified by the right and some on the left want to make her a hero. Really, she was just doing her job.

    If you watch what is happening, and particularly if you have family or friends in PR, it is clear that this level of damage was not anticipated and the effort started out slow. You also know that an awful lot of the people there are working their asses off, and not just waiting of the government to do everything for them. Which brings up my question. Trump makes an obviously incorrect and very insulting, easily disprovable claim about puerto Ricans, yet we end up talking about some mayor. Why is that? Are we just inured to Trump lying all of the time?


  • jan Link

    Here is the rest of the PR story, giving reasons, other than laying everything at the feet of the prez, for some of the hardships on this island.

  • steve Link

    jan- That was from American Thinker. That is the equivalent of asking Bill Clinton why Hillary lost. An awful lot of lies and cherry picking in that piece. One of my docs will lead a team down there soon and is already getting information. (His brother ran one of the hospitals that was completely destroyed.)

    To be clear, no one should be blaming everything on Trump. However, again since conservatives have low reading comprehension, Trump came out with his usual bluster and said everything was under control and this was the bestest, most beautiful recovery effort ever. In fact, it got started off pretty slowly, and there have been lots of problems. Any normal, not totally narcissistic POTUS would have said that while we faced major problems in PR and while it would be difficult to overcome obstacles we would work with PR to make things better. But no, Trump has to claim that he is doing the best job ever.


  • Guarneri Link

    I’ll save you the wait. The spouse of a FEMA worker friend has been there since a week before the event. Tremendous amounts of supplies have been available. Getting them to working ports and airports was the first problem and, as should surprise absolutely no one with any experience, assembling the people and equipment for distribution has been a nightmare. We had the same problem in Florida. People are tending to their own, not showing up to truck their neighbors goods.

    As for an elected official engaging in hyperbole and taking credit, next thing I know you will be telling me Bill Clinton and barack Obama will be rocking my world by claiming the most ethical administrations ever……..

    And as for unreliable, cherry picked commentary, well…. “However, again since conservatives have low reading comprehension,”

    Heh. There’s sober analysis.

  • gray shambler Link

    Steve: Get used to it. I always hated the smooth, eloquent, fashionable, unflappable, two steps ahead chess player Obama portrayed himself to be, because I saw a Phoney.
    Trump is no phoney. Trump is Trump, we’ve all at least known of him for what, 40 years?
    Arrogant, brash, bristling at criticism, I honestly believe he actually cares, and not just for the appearance of caring.
    As for Puerto Rico, I would imagine their power grid and everything else is old, now smashed. Temporary pain, long term improvement. A classic example of creative destruction.
    If Obama were given a third term, as president, speaking in Puerto Rico, five minutes into the speech he would have declared that Puerto Ricans need the kind of Federal help, without which, his own story would not have been possible.

  • steve Link

    ” I honestly believe he actually cares”… about himself and his image. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in his past history to show that he really cares about other people.

    “As for an elected official engaging in hyperbole and taking credit”

    Trump has taken this to a new level and you know it. This is the guy who had the most people in the history of the world go to his inauguration.


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