Why, Amazon, Why?

Just about six years ago I purchased an 8″ Amazon Kindle HDX. Since then I have used it in eight countries and about a dozen states, used it for reading on the plane, and streaming wherever I stayed. It has served me well. I’m aware that electronics do not last forever and for the couple of years I’ve been shopping around for a replacement. My problem: it won’t last forever and nothing I have found presently on the market is better. They all have lower resolutions. Fewer pixels per square inch and I can see the difference. My Kindle is as clear as can be; even the best devices today look fuzzy to me.

Why, Amazon? Why don’t you have a successor model to my Kindle that is at least as good as it is, maybe updated with a faster processor, faster wireless, and more memory? I’m willing to pay for it. I’m just reluctant to replace my still-working Kindle with a device that is worse.

3 comments… add one
  • steve Link

    I like my new Kindle. Recharges very fast.


  • Yeah, that pretty much says it. BTW, I have the 8.9″ screen version and it’s still great. I think the problem is that Americans are willing to buy cheap crap. They’re willing to buy cheap, uncomfortable, poorly-fitting clothes. They’re willing to buy cheap electronics that are prone to failure. They’re willing to buy bad food as long as it’s cheap (McDonald’s success is a testament to that).

    Believe it or not there was better wireless networking on the market 20 years ago than there is now. Faster and more reliable. The reason that 802.11 prevailed is that it was cheap.

    There’s a sort of Gresham’s Law involved.

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