Who’s in charge here?

After the results of Tuesday’s election, I’m curious about something. Who’s the leader of the Democratic Party at this point? I think there are several perfectly reasonable answers to this question.

  1. The Clintons
    Or SSDD. John Kerry’s defeat solidifies their hold on the party. The blame that’s being laid at Clintonite Terry McAuliffe’s feet by Democratic stalwarts (including our mayor) would seem to counter-indicate this.
  2. John Kerry
    His loss just makes him “president-in-waiting” as it were. This has occasionally held true in the past and whether it will this time around depends much on Mr. Kerry’s actions. If he emulates Al Gore in 2000 and retreats to sulk in his tent, he won’t be the party’s leader.
  3. John Edwards
    This could especially be true if Mr. Kerry abrogates the role to him.
  4. Barack Obama
    If media face time is any indication, he’s definitely in charge.
  5. Howard Dean and his supporters
    They’re energetic, angry, and still loaded for bear. The Old Guard dies but it never surrenders.

I suspect this will be quite the struggle over the next few months. Any ideas?

UPDATE: On The McLaughlin Group tonight the panelists answered this very question like this:

Pat Buchanan The Clintons
Eleanor Clift Nominal: John Kerry;Actual: Hillary Clinton
Lawrence O’Donnell John Kerry
Tony Blankley Howard Dean
John McLaughlin The Clintons

Well, that clears things up.

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  • I think that the Clintons are probably the head but I think that Barak Obama is seen as the heir apparent. He’s the one that people are thinking will someday run for President and win.

    So . . .

    The Dean supporters are very hardcore and might just overtake the Democratic party after this Kerry loss.

    I’m not sure, obviously.

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