What’s the Point?

Demonstrators are planning to disrupt shopping on Michigan Avenue today:

CHICAGO — Demonstrators protesting Laquan McDonald’s shooting death are hoping to disrupt shopping on the Mag Mile Thursday, like they did on Black Friday.

The march, which organizers are calling “Black Christmas” will kick off at noon.

Community activists are calling on elected officials to join them.

They are demanding Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s resignation for his handling of the case.

McDonald, 17, was shot by Chicago police office 16 times. That officer, Jason Van Dyke, has been charged with first degree murder.

The release of dash cam video of the shooting sparked protests throughout the city.

That’s a variety of secondary boycott and secondary boycotts are immoral. It’s hard for me to discern what their point is. I doubt that Mag Mile retailers have a lot of influence over what Mayor Emanuel does or does not do. If they do and he’s been doing their bidding, what they’ve wanted, e.g. higher taxes, teachers’ strikes, are pretty strange and not what I might have expected.

In fact, I suspect Chicago would be better off if retailers had a lot more pull than they do.

4 comments… add one
  • Guarneri Link

    Well, we are here. Staying at a hotel at Mich Ave and the River. Will let you folks first hand what happened.

  • jan Link

    The point is to get attention. One protester interviewed praised the movement for not burning buildings, being “peacefully” content to simply disrupt businesses during Christmas. However, if these businesses lose business, they will not need as many employees. Then you will have the same people wringing their hands regarding the fact there aren’t enough jobs to go around.

    Maybe this is “Black Lives Matter’s home version of creative destruction.

  • Guarneri Link

    Well, there really was no point. Perhaps a hundred people. We watched from the corner of Ontario and Mich ave. They were actually practically escorted by police on bikes.

    Rahm can come back from Cuba. The national press have been to their re-education seminars. This story is fading. Obama, Hillary and their buddy walk.

    Resolved: black lives do not matter……..well, at least they waste behind presidential politics.

  • TastyBits Link

    The march make white people feel good about living in segregated communities and hiring the police to keep the undesirables out of their community. These are the same police they accuse of being racist, but what are you going to do when the “darkies” are trying to get in.

    After, they can go back to their comfortable sofa in their safe living room, and if the police they hired to beat the crap out of the black and brown interlopers is inadvertently caught on camera, they will again take to the streets.

    Of course, they could hire community organizers to protect their communities, but somehow, that is never an option. I guess self-preservation makes one consider one’s options a little more seriously.

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