We Change As We Age

Rather than commenting on Ben Carlson’s post at A Wealth of Commonsense about how our preferences change as we age, I will merely observe how I have changed over the years.

I am more skilled at everything I do except, possibly, those things requiring physical strength or agility.

I have learned more. I learn at least one new thing every day.

I am much more tolerant of BS than I was a half century ago. Ironically, that has come with an enhanced ability to detect it.

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  • TastyBits Link

    Due to the medications for my physical and mental issues, my mental acuity has deteriorated significantly. The physical issue gets worse with time, but there is an operation that can help.

    (The VA has approved it, and everything is ready except some screws for a frame to keep my head steady. The order has been approved, but they have no idea of how long it will take. “It could be two months or two years.” This should bring a smile to the “Support the troops. Save a buck on the Vets” crowd.)

    Philosophically, I have gone from conservative to liberal, and from heathen to God fearing. I considered Objectivists to be libertarian collectivists, and I could quickly destroy any religious argument.

    (For the “I’m an atheist” crowd, you must toss all Christian values onto the garbage heap and rebuild your moral system from the ground up. It can be done, but it must be coherent. And one more thing, there is no appeal to nature.)

  • As Chesterton put it, all roads lead to Rome.

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