
There’s quite a bit of cynicism out there these days. “Safe seats”, gerrymandering, and machine politics can leave you with no alternatives that seem like much of a choice. Accusations of vote fraud and voter registration fraud cast doubt on the whole system. The continuous barrage of polls convince you that all of the decisions have already been made.

But, as Mark Twain put it, thunder may be impressive but it’s the lightning that gets the job done. Talk is just talk but action still means something. Get out there and vote.

Posting is apt to be light today. I’ll be working on the election and won’t be near a computer. But I’ll be taking notes all day and hope to give a detailed accounting of my experience as soon as I have the time and energy to do so.

At this point I’m expecting a lot of the voters that come in to be in a foul mood. Maybe I’ll be favorably surprised.

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