U. S. Interference in Ukrainian Politics

I wanted to call this investigation by Aaron Maté at RealClearInvestigations to your attention. It chronicles how involved the United States has been in Ukrainian politics since 2014. It relies heavily on information from Andrii Telizhenko:

Although he once welcomed Washington’s influence in Ukraine, Telizhenko now takes a different view. “I’m a Ukrainian who knew how Ukraine was 30 years ago, and what it became today,” he says. “For me, it’s a total failed state.” In his view, Ukraine has been “used directly by the United States to fight a [proxy] war with Russia” and “as a rag to make money for people like Biden and his family.”

The State Department has accused Telizhenko being part of a “Russia-linked foreign influence network.” In Sept. 2020 it revoked his visa to travel to the United States. Telizhenko, who now lives in a western European country where he was granted political asylum, denies working with Russia and says that he is a whistleblower speaking out to expose how U.S. interference has ravaged his country. RealClearInvestigations has confirmed that he worked closely with top American officials while they advanced policies aimed at severing Ukraine’s ties to Russia. No official contacted for this article – including former CIA chief John Brennan and senior State Department official Victoria Nuland – disputed any of his claims.

Whether fomenting “proxy wars” with Russia is in the U. S. interest or not, just as I do not care for other countries interfering in U. S. politics, I do not care for the U. S. interfering in the politics of other countries.

2 comments… add one
  • steve Link

    I think the guy ought to offer some actual evidence. GDP per capita PPP in the 90s was about $7k and increased to hang around $12k. They make a claim about billions of dollars of US aid without offering evidence but i have looked for this before. Nulled claimed we had sent about $5 billion in aid since 1991 to help the country with developing their elections and general governance as a democracy after leaving the USSR. I have not seen any evidence that we spent money to overthrow anyone.

    OTOH, we know that Russia was determined to keep Ukraine as an economic vassal. They had their stooge refuse to sign the Eu agreement that was negotiated and they opened their attack coincident with Ukraine deciding to join the EU power consortium.

    (Also, kind fo a red flag when he calls out the Biden when Manafort spent years there involved in elections.)


  • bob sykes Link

    The stooge was the legitimate, democratically elected President Yanukovych. He was removed by a US run coup d’état, which also installed the current neo-Nazi junta. The deal offered by Russia was much more advantageous to Ukraine than the EU deal, and it was in Ukraine’s interest to sign on with the EAEU.

    Of the 250 or so wars since 1945, the US was the aggressor in over 200 of them. Most of the world’s problems arise in Washington. We, Americans and the World, need regime change in Washington, not just one uni-party stooge for another, but a deep purge of both Democrats and Republicans.

    The current regime in Washington has not only plunged the world into war repeatedly, it has immiserated the American working class and imposed economic stagnation on the middle class. Both would benefit from a socialist revolution, but the regime prefers to evolve into a fascist dictatorship.

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