Update on the Addition

We had a flurry of activity here this morning on the addition. The electrician was here and he was joined by the city inspector. We passed our rough electrical inspection.

The general contractor and the cabinet guy also turned up.

With the completion of the rough electrical work I expect that the next step will be insulation followed by drywall and floors.

We’ve also continued our exploration of the wild and wacky world of tile in anticipation of tiling our bathrooms, the backsplash on the kitchen and butler’s pantry, and the surrounds on our new fireplaces.

After some digging and somewhat to my amazement I was able to find a source for bathroom tile liners that are virtually identical to our 70 year old upstairs bathroom liners. We plan on white subway tile for both baths with the straight runs of tile topped first by a liner, then by a topping piece. White subway tile is readily available but finding liners consistent with the style of our house was a mite tricky.

In all of this hunt, searching, and digging it’s been forcibly impressed on me what a wilderness building materials are. The distribution chain (manufacturers sell to wholesalers who sell to dealers who sell to end users) actually interferes with finding what you want. Neither the search engines nor the mass online marketers like Amazon.com are really set up for doing this with any real facility. I can see ways of easing the process but I can’t figure out a good way of making it pay for itself.

2 comments… add one
  • Hello Dave,
    One piece of advice…whatever you do, shell out for an extra box of whatever tiles you pick out and store them away.

    Trying to match them a couple of years down the line if one breaks or cracks is an exercise in futility!

    All Best,

  • Rob is right. Each “lot” of tile is a slightly different color, so ordering extra is a great idea. If you haven’t already bought the tile, check out http://www.mosaictilesupplies.com. They have a huge variety of tile at reasonable prices. Good luck with the addition!

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