Understanding U. S. Foreign Policy

Following up on my last post, I think that to understand U. S. foreign policy you need to be able to answer several questions:

  1. Why did Bush invade Iraq?
  2. Why did Obama bomb Libya so as to enable the removal of Moammar Qaddafi?
  3. Why has no president ended our military involvement in Afghanistan?

If your answers are limited to being evil or politically motivated, you’re not seeing the whole picture.

4 comments… add one
  • Drew Link

    I’ve asked that, especially about #3, often. I know it sounds awfully cynical or conspiratorial, but I’m not convinced its not perpetuation of the State Dept, the Pentagon and Congress all as “deep state” actors and their desire to hold onto power and riches.

    Just look at the subterfuge uncovered the last 4 years. Exactly why is the FBI sitting on the laptop and the Ukraine and China situations?

  • William Link

    Drugs and oil come to mind.

  • steve Link

    Why doesnt Barr ever bring charges? Must be part of the deep state.

    #1 still puzzles me. Cant really think of a good foreign policy reason.


  • Grey Shambler Link

    Saddam tried to kill GWB’s father. Reason enough.
    Arc of history, all God’s people just wanna be free. President dreamer.
    iron, copper, gold, cobalt, rare earth metals, and lithium.

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