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  • steve Link

    Just in case someone here accidentally clicked, read and then believed the piece about birth control pills, they are not the dangerous things the article claims. First, the increase occurred in the 2000s. While some people are often late to acknowledge change, BC pills have been around for a long time. There was no sudden surge of people suddenly finding out about and using BC pills. (Also, note that you always need to tok at the absolute numbers. The absolute stroke risk for younger people remain very low.) Most of us in the medical field think the increase is probably due to the same things causing other problems with younger people and which specifically cause strokes in older people, namely obesity, diabetes and hypertension. I am old enough that it still kind of weirds me out to see (non-pregnant) people in the their 20s on blood pressure meds, but it is not that unusual anymore.


  • steve Link

    BTW Dave, thanks for putting up the list every now and then. I am kept aware of this stuff via my email group and family that send me all of the latest conspiracy stuff, but it is just not possible to keep up with all of the wacky stuff people believe.


  • The other members of the Council and I agree about some things, disagree about others.

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