There Aren’t Any Voters Capable of Objective Thought

At Commentary Noah Rothman expresses confusion about the tactics Democrats have employed lately:

By insisting that $1,000 constitute “crumbs” and giving citizenship to nearly 2 million illegal residents is racist, Democrats are flirting with utter incoherence. These claims might enliven their base, but they risk turning off every other sentient voter capable of an objective thought. Moreover, unreasonable polemics have a habit of activating the opposing side’s partisans at a time when reliable Republican voters have been staying away from the polls. The risks of the Democratic Party’s present course seem to outweigh the rewards.

I think it’s easy enough to understand. The Democrats in the Congress are out of touch with ordinary Americans. The majority of Congressmen are millionaires. Most are among the top 1% of income earners. They also think that no one is persuadable. From that point of view the electorate is composed of people who will only vote Democratic, people who will only vote Republican, and people who are lying when they say they’re non-partisan or independents.

Finally, they think that demographics will ultimately prevail and give them a permanent majority. They may be right but elections are not won in the long run. In the short run they’ll raise as much money from their few very well-heeled but extreme donors and try to energize the most extreme factions in the base.

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  • steve Link

    Is there any idea in politics most demonstrably false that the “permanent majority”?


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