The Upside of Power Outage

At 8:00am this morning I received a robocall from ComEd warning me that there would be a scheduled power outage in one hour to perform unspecified maintenance. I carefully powered our various computers down. Three hours later when no power outage had occurred, I powered up one of my computers. No sooner had it booted than power went down. It must be one of those things like washing your care.

Well, now I know for sure that my battery backup is working. I quickly powered the computer down. Ten minutes later the power was restored. I waited another twenty minutes (just in case) and then started powering things back up again.

I’m a bit paranoid on this subject. I have battery backups on all of my computers and on my broadband modem and network switches. I really prefer to power things off and bring them back up gracefully. That’s probably not as necessary as it used to be but it still reassures me to do it.

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