The Swarm

You might be interested in this short, fascinating, and slightly frightening video.

In this video

the quadrotors build small structures using modular parts.

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  • michael reynolds Link

    My son showed me this a while ago. Very interesting. I’m writing about nanotechnology lately and it felt vaguely related. Pretty soon those little helicopters will have facial recognition capability and tiny little missiles.

  • sam Link

    The Marines now use a very small, really small, model-airplane-looking thing for recon. This no doubt is next. I can imagine each Marine or soldier carrying one or two of these things as a personal recon vehicle. Damn useful in urban combat, I’d think. As usual, the scifi folks were there first. In Dune, Herbert had hunter-seekers, used primarily for assassination:

    The device floated through the air, using a tiny Holtzman Field Generator to maneuver. The tip held a camera that transmitted a video signal back to the operator. Vision was distorted by the compessed suspensor field. Once detected, the target was almost guaranteed to be killed.

    The killing device itself was a tiny needle, tipped with a quick-acting, lethal poison. The needle was retracted until a target is acquired, at which point it appeared, shortly before the device shot into the victim.

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