The Stranded Christmas Guests

One of our Christmas guests managed to finally catch a flight to LA last night and the other found a flight this morning. As it turns out, as WGN reports, they weren’t the only ones who had problems:

CHICAGO (WLS) — Thousands of airline passengers who were stranded overnight at Chicago’s airports are still scrambling to find flights the day after a winter storm struck.

Airlines are playing catchup after about a thousand flights were canceled Monday. On Tuesday, 245 flights at O’Hare International Airport and 24 flights at Midway International Airport were also canceled. Both airports are also experiencing minor delays.

Since it’s the holiday season and flights were already packed to begin with, many travelers are left wondering when they’ll be able to get onto a plane. The stranded passengers O’Hare and Midway have snatched up nearly every available seat on the flights that are making it out of town.

My guess is that the mess won’t be untangled until Monday.

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