The St. Louis storms

Gateway Pundit has been doing a pretty good job of covering the aftermath of the powerful thunderstorms that struck St. Louis last week leaving hundreds of thousands without electrical power or telephone services.  My mom’s electrical power went back on after four days without it in some really blistering heat and humidity.

She’s still without phone service.  And a little technology averse so she doesn’t have a cell phone.  Fortunately, my sister who still lives in St. Louis lent my mom hers so I’ve spoken with her daily since the storms.

Another sister and her husband who live in Des Moines went down and kept her company (the trip had been scheduled before the storms).  The husband cleaned up the fallen trees and branches in the yard.  Despite his broken ankle.  You can’t stop the Norse.  Or talk ’em out of something they’ve decided to do.

If you’re interested in following the progress in restoring the power outages, the local power company (which I persist in referring to as “Union Electric”) has an outage map here.

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