The Sources of Forgiveness

I think that David Brooks is onto something in his most recent New York Times column:

We once had a unifying national story, celebrated each Thanksgiving. It was an Exodus story. Americans are the people who escaped oppression, crossed a wilderness and are building a promised land. The Puritans brought this story with them. Each wave of immigrants saw themselves in this story. The civil rights movement embraced this story.

But we have to admit that many today do not resonate with this story. This story was predicated on the unity of the American people. But if you are under 45, you were probably taught an American history that, realistically, emphasizes division — between the settlers and the natives, Founders and their slaves, bosses and the workers, whites and people of color. It’s harder for many today to believe this is a promised land. It seems promised for the privileged few but has led to marginalization for the many.

Let me pause right there. Preaching division is “realistic” if your aspirations are for your preferred group to achieve power. It’s simply destructive if your aspiration is “E Pluribus Unum”.

“E Pluribus Unum”, “out of many, one” was adopted as the motto of the new United States in 1776. There is nothing in it that limits it to a single race, stratum of society, gender, nation of origin, religion, or anything else other than aspiring to reconcile competing factions. The story of division that has prevailed for 50 years isn’t realistic. It’s nihilistic. It arises from the attempt to, in Voegelin’s phrase, immanentize the Eschaton which will always be frustrated. He continues:

The story of America, then, can be interpreted as a series of redemptions, of injury, suffering and healing fresh starts. Look at the mottos on our Great Seal: “A New Order for the Ages” and “Out of Many, One.” In the 18th century divisions between the colonists were partially healed. In the 19th century divisions between the free and enslaved were partially healed. In the 20th, America partially healed the divisions between democracy and totalitarianism. In the 21st, we have healing fresh starts still to come.

The great sermon of redemption and reconciliation is Lincoln’s Second Inaugural.

This is a speech of tremendous intellectual humility. None of us anticipated this conflict, or its magnitude. All of us “looked for an easier triumph.” None of us are fully in control. “Let us judge not that we be not judged.”

This is a speech of great moral humility. Slavery, Lincoln says, was not a Southern institution, it was an American institution, weaving through our common history for 250 years. The scourge of war, which purges this sin, falls on both sides. Lincoln fought any sense of self-righteous superiority the Northerners might harbor. He rejected any thought that God is a tribal God. He put us all into the same category of ambiguity and fallenness.

This needs to be considered in context. Lincoln grew up in the environment of non-orthodox Christianity. In the theology of non-orthodox Christianity not only is the individual “born again” but born again and again and again. That’s the reason that Arkansans voted Bill Clinton into office first as Lieutenant Governor and then twice as governor. It isn’t that they were unaware of his failings. It was that they forgave him. He transgressed; he said he was sorry; they believed him. That career would not have been possible outside of that context.

We do need either to revive our historic national “narrative” or to formulate a new one. However, I also think Mr. Brooks’s grasp of American history and Christian theology is too weak for him to understand the underpinnings of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural or why his hope for a new American secular religion based on forgiveness and redemption is doomed to disappointment. Repeated forgiveness is incompatible with the lex talionis of post-Christianity, something so evident in the campus demonstrations all over the country, BLM, and other contemporary groups.

Quite to the contrary, IMO never has “e pluribus unum” been so relevant but so hard to achieve. When the country of your birth is just a Skype call away and returning to it just a matter of hours after hopping on a plane, coming to the United States isn’t nearly the commitment it was a century ago. Today coming to the United States is more like commuting to work—no commitment required, least of all to forgiveness and redemption.

The rededication of the last paragraph of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural:

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

demands that you had that commitment to start out with. When I look around me I just don’t see that.

8 comments… add one
  • Andy Link

    Great post.

    On Facebook one of my friends posted a meme – “Ruin thanksgiving in 5 words or less.” It was a lot of fun until I made this submission:

    “Trump is…(insert anything here)”

    The first response (from someone I didn’t know – my friend’s friend) was “Get over it snowflake, he won the election.” It took him a while to see the irony.

    In many ways we are still a deeply divided nation, but as I travel around I don’t see much of it in actual face-to-face interactions with actual people. I’ve lived and travelled much more than most across the US and generally people are nice and good-hearted and helpful. It makes me wonder if I’m seeing the whole picture since the virtual community is so different from the one I experience in the real world. I don’t know if it’s just the crassness that’s always been part of the internet, or if real-world civility is just a thin veneer or if there’s something else going on.

  • Jimbino Link

    The Lincoln speech you quote was divisive. “and for his widow and his orphan” reflects the privileges granted the married and the breeders that routinely punish the single and childfree soldiers who even today get inferior benefits like family housing, insurance, medical care and pensions.

    It seems that a single, childfree American would have every reason not to enlist to preserve such a discriminatory system.

  • Andy Link


    From your list there might be a case for housing – in some circumstances. Otherwise insurance, medical care and pensions are the same.

  • steve Link

    Andy-What you describe is what I see as I work at our many facilities. At our church and with the family. However, I think the divisions and partisanship are much closer to the surface than in the past. You don’t just casually talk politics that much anymore. We all pretty much avoid it. When it comes up, it can get ugly fast.


  • Guarneri Link

    “When it comes up, it can get ugly fast.”

    You mean when M Reynolds told me that all Republicans are stupid, evil, racists, and if they opposed Obamas policies they were, well, stupid, evil, racists…… wasn’t just truth and enlightenment being bestowed upon me?

    Learn something new everyday…..

  • I think the divisions and partisanship are much closer to the surface than in the past. You don’t just casually talk politics that much anymore. We all pretty much avoid it. When it comes up, it can get ugly fast.

    Self-censorship on any but the most banal of topics is an illustration of the very phenomena I’m talking about in this post. While it might be necessary for survival it’s no foundation for building a new national consensus based on forgiveness.

  • steve Link

    Drew- Since when has the internet not been that way? I am talking about real life.


  • Andy Link

    Yes, I think the self-censorship is real and I realize I practice it regularly, particularly on social media. Part of it is I work on Facebook now, so it’s bad business, but even so I have a very politically and socially diverse set of friends and I don’t see much point in ruffling feathers –
    at least online.

    So I think you are probably right Steve even though in personal conversations I don’t self-center nearly as much.

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