The Ostrich Strategy

Here’s an interesting little factoid:

In theory, a new personnel system, a flatter hierarchy and the elimination of duplication and overlap should increase federal productivity. But Congress and the president will never know the savings unless they order the Bureau of Labor Statistics to start measuring federal productivity again. The bureau shelved its long-running productivity project in 1994 and has not added a data point since.

If you don’t keep track of it, that must mean that it’s just hunky-dory, no?

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  • jan Link

    This is a great WSJ piece, with pragmatic suggestions in how to start streamlining government’s unnecessary expenditures. But, who is going to listen? Leaders in both parties seem more focused on various jujitsu skills in one-upping people of the opposition party, who they consider their adversaries.

    This kind of attack-mode mentality is even in lieu of recent disclosures from various alphabetical administrative departments, such as the CBO, citing areas of overpayment, overlapping departments and so on. Therefore, while politicians sharpen their swords, nothing gets done, in the rolling up your sleeves department and working together for the common good.

  • steve Link

    I thought it was cut as part of the 1994 cutbacks. No?


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