The Keyes campaign: train wreck or car crash?

Joe Gandelman of The Moderate Voice provides excellent commentary and an even better rundown of opinion from across the blogosphere on the rambling wreck that is the Alan Keyes campaign for the Senate in Illinois:

Let’s just come out and say it: Alan Keyes is turning into a human political car crash.

Check out some of the links that Joe gives. One link worth checking out that’s not in his list is Spoons’s post on the subject.

You simply can’t manage to divert your eyes as he uses his mouth to cause another huge political wreck that’s going to hurt his party the long run — unless the party’s goal is to turn issues into outlandish sound bites that will scare off anyone in the center who doesn’t have excess ear wax. And you feel so guilty, as you watch his candidacy careen off a political cliff.

I had hopes for the Keyes campaign not because I thought he would win (he won’t) or because I hope he would win (I don’t) but because I’d hoped that his presence in the campaign could turn it into a debate on the issues which would be good for Obama, the inevitable victor, and Illinois. As Keyes wanders off into kookdom it looks less and less like that will happen.

I also don’t give a fig for the Illinois Republican Party except insofar as I believe that a viable two-party system promotes honesty in government. It’s on life support now and I think I hear the Code Blue buzzer going off. So the Keyes campaign appears to be turning into just another step on that Party’s inexorable march to irrelevancy.

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