The Doctor Alvises

When I was a kid our eye doctor(s) were Dr. Alvis and Dr. Alvis, father and son. “Young” Dr. Alvis was in his mid-60s which gives you some idea of how old “old” Dr. Alvis was. Old Dr. Alvis performed glaucoma tests completely by hand with a hand as steady as a rock. When you consider that all of this was 70 or more years ago, old Dr. Alvis must have been born right about the time of the American Civil War. He continued to practice into his 90s.

I hope there are still Dr. Alvises around.

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  • steve Link

    They do. My eye doctor worked with his brother who retired recently and his father who died a long time ago. They all decided that they would stop doing surgery at about the age of 61-62, the part of the practice that makes the most money, and just do office medicine since they still liked what they did. They were concerned about maintaining adequate ability at that age and their first duty was to their pts. My doc is actually a pediatric guy who also sees adults. He is wonderful with kids. He takes the time to see them and parents and take good care of them. Means a bit less income since he isn’t rushing them through.


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