The Watcher’s Council has announced its picks for the most outstanding posts of the preceding week. The winner in the Council post category was Right Wing Nut House’s post, “The Total Witlessness of Obama Apologistsâ€. In this post Rick Moran examines the zeal with which Obama supporters have been defending their candidate, in all likelihood doing neither him nor themselves any good in the process. Second place honors went to Wolf Howling for Outfoxed By Obama & The Twelve Unasked Questions. In this post GW takes a look at Sen. Obama’s Fox interview and is disappointed with the quality of the questions that were asked of him. He then proceeds to ask twelve excellent questions of his own. I’d like answers to those myself.
The winning non-Council post was City Journal’s “An Anatomy of Surrenderâ€, an article about the battle between what we consider fundamental rights and the preferences of newcomers to our shores, abetted by political correctness. Second place honors went to Small Wars Journal Blog’s “Political Maneuver in Counterinsurgency. This is a sharp piece of analysis by David Kilcullen on how roads may be a good weapon in the war against Islamist radicals. I nominated it.
The complete results are here.