The Central American Migrants

I agree 100% with the editors of the Washington Post’s take on the proper response to the influx of Central American migrants into the United States:

The right way to respond to the influx of migrants is, first, for Congress to enact legislation requiring that families be released under supervision or, if they must be detained, detained together and briefly. Second, it’s to help alleviate Central America’s misery at its source, through economic and law enforcement aid. Third, the United States should bolster the judicial machinery to cope with the problem. So far, Mr. Trump has thrown his weight behind none of the above.

to which I would add that Mexico is a good part of the problem. Mexico is a signatory to both the 1951 and 1967 conventions on refugees while the U. S. is a signatory only to the 1951 convention. That means its responsibility is greater than ours but they’re reacting as though they have no responsibilities at all while condemning us for our reaction.

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  • bob sykes Link

    No. The border must be closed. No immigration. People who cross the border illegally must be put in concentration camps until they can be deported. They should stay there for life if needed. And the conditions in the camps should be bad so that they are a deterrent.

    There’s no nicey-nice about this. This is an actual invasion by a hostile army. If you think you can accommodate the illegals, be humane, be Christian, be liberal, you are wrong. Your own family is at risk here.

    Around 2,500 BC, the Celts showed up in Britain, and 90% of the neolithic farmers there were killed off. That followed the mass killing and replacement of neolithic farmers all over Europe.

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