The Cause of the Long-Term Deficit

Writing at Economics 21 Brian Riedl takes another stab at explaining why entitlements (and primarily Medicare) are the cause of our long-term budget deficit. Read it and make your own decision.

I’m still trying to find someone’s, anyone’s explanation of how health care spending can grow at a multiple of incomes without either a) forcing an unending series of tax increases, something that’s obviously politically impossible or b) requiring us to spend more than we take in.

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  • TastyBits Link

    I think you are banging your head against the wall. (Welcome to the club.)

  • Guarneri Link

    You are banging your head against the wall, but it’s not mutually exclusive with the profound effects of demographics.

  • Even if we didn’t have the demographic bump of the Baby Boomers there would still be a problem. You can’t have incomes rising at X% per annum and costs rising at 3 times X% per annum without running into a problem.

    The choices are actually pretty limited: we’ve got to bring the increase in costs in line with the increase in earnings. That can be done by increasing incomes, lowering costs, or both.

  • steve Link

    It is mostly health care though at some point interest on the debt passes it. Once we develop the political will to address it, we can fix it.


  • We DO spend more than we take in, and how long can that last?
    I think because we ARE a democracy, and voters are self interested and pols are sensitive to that problems never get solved until they are a crisis. Yes, when it MUST be solved, it will be.
    Steve’s right.

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