The 140 Character State of the Union

Tonight President Obama will give his third State of the Union address. I suspect I am not alone in wishing it could be tweeted.

If it’s what I dread it will be, it will be yet another annual shopping list, an hour-long catalogue of items, many of which we’ll never hear about again, intended to please this or that constituency.

Everybody seems to be giving advice so I’ll give mine: brevity is the soul of wit. Or, as David Belasco put it “If you can’t put your idea on the back of your business card, you don’t have a clear idea.”

7 comments… add one
  • Drew Link

    I echo your sentiments.

    Separate topic, similar vein: 20 years ago a former partner at my firm noted – “if you can’t write down on a 3×5 card why you like the investment……..something is wrong.

  • michael reynolds Link

    Good lord, engineers at play.

    Strip out the sales and marketing and easy user interface design and packaging and just say, “We’re making a computer with a lot of memory and a big hard drive. It will be putty colored because we have a lot of leftover putty paint. That is all.”

  • It’ll be a shopping list, it is always a shopping list. You’d have a more productive evening watching re-runs of I Love Lucy or even The Brady Bunch.

  • PD Shaw Link

    Doug at OTB linked to an analysis of SOTU over time for number of words and reading level. I would be happy if the SOTU were judged on amount of time, and the enjoyment level of eighth-graders.

  • michael reynolds Link


    As a man who works for those 8th graders (and 9th and 10th) what they would like is a speech with rock-hard abs and great hair. Also some violence.

  • PD Shaw Link


    I am being somewhat tongue-in-check, but the President I admire most would be thinking more practically about how to give a formal speech that meets all of the ceremonial expectations, while experiencing a life of its own as it is absorbed in different ways, at different times, by the People. That’s a pretty stiff order. What could the President say tonight that would have me discussing it at the coffee maker with my employees? My wife? My children?

  • Heh… if you’re signed up for the Barak Obama White House Twitter feed, the speech IS being published on Twitter.

    I’m about to shut down TweetDeck because the updates every 5 seconds are driving me crazy.

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