Thanks for all the fish

Steven Den Beste has announced that he is taking what I hope is not a permanent hiatus from blogging:

Since then, I’ve realized that I don’t want to write any longer. I’ve been thinking about it, and I realized that I stopped enjoying it about a year ago, which is also about the time that I began to post less and less often. Several times in the last year I’ve tried to tell my readers what I was feeling, in hopes that it might change things, but it didn’t help.


Yes, there’s something wrong. I’m tired. Does this mean I’ll never post again? Damned if I know. But it won’t be soon.

Hat tip: Steve Green

Steve’s USS Clueless was the first blog that really caught my imagination. I’ve looked forward to each and every new post that he’s written. It was the increasing amount of time that I spent reading his blog and the other blogs I discovered and, even more so, the increasing amount of time that I spent commenting on various blogs—especially Winds of Change and Tacitus—and corresponding by email with Steve and Wretchard of Belmont Club that led me to start writing my own blog.

Blogging has been a substantial therapy for me. It’s driven some of the fog from my brain and sharpened skills that were fading from disuse. Despite the amount of time I spend reading and writing blogs I’ve actually become more productive in my work.

Since I’ve started blogging I’ve learned an enormous amount and I hope to learn more. I have a greater feeling of involvement in the world and expanded interests.

All of these are things that I owe, at least in part, to Steve.

Don’t be a stranger, Steve. Taking a break from writing doesn’t mean you can’t read. I’ll see you in the blogosphere.

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