State of Confusion

I am very, very confused after the release of the Department of Justice’s inspector general’s report on James Comey. If you believe that government officials have a primary obligation to conform to the law and the rules of their organizations, it’s a scathing indictment of James Comey on which the Attorney General may or may not act. That story has not been written yet.

If you believe there’s a higher justice which government officials must heed, then it’s a scathing indictment of the Department of Justice. Holding that view raises two follow-up questions. What is that higher standard? If it’s a personal standard, to whom does it apply?

So far, every commentary I have read is purely a case of where you stand depends on where you sit.

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  • Guarneri Link

    Maybe I’m missing something. First, I think its the former. To set a standard based upon a higher standard for government officials is a pipe dream.

    Secondly, it will become a scathing indictment of the DoJ only if they fail to hold the FBI Director, not exactly some nondescript clerk, to account on failing to follow the law and the rules of the department. That would be a terrible outcome, all but ratifying not only rogue government employees but a two tiered justice system. But as you say, that story is yet to be written.

  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    So looking back; was President Trump reasonable in firing Comey?

    Remember this is the causes belli for upcoming impeachment inquiry into obstruction of justice.

  • That has never been the question. The president has the authority to fire any executive branch appointee for any reason whatever. They serve at the pleasure of the president.

    The question has always been did the president fire James Comey with corrupt intent? That would be abuse of power.

    I don’t believe that a case can be made for that which would stand up in any court of law. However, the House of Representatives is not a court of law but a political body and impeachment is not a legal action but a political one. I think that Nancy Pelosi realizes that impeaching a president with an approval rating over 20% without more evidence than she presently has would culminate in a disaster for the Democrats which is why she has tried to keep the issue up in the air without moving to impeachment.

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