Some of That Prevailing Wisdom

Remember that “prevailing wisdom” I wrote about yesterday. At The Hill Joe Concha provides a good example of it:

You may see lots of the Schiffs and the Swalwells and Ocasio-Cortezes in the media.

Those folks may have the passion. But they won’t have the power. What happens next will likely mean a further fracturing of both parties. Because compromise may be embraced by the electorate but is also increasingly a dirty word in the D.C. swamp and political media that are built on conflict.

Read the whole thing it’s a pretty good piece.

Contrary to Mr. Concha what will happen is that Nancy Pelosi will get things passed by the House by tailoring legislation to fit the preferences of “the Schiffs and the Swalwells and Ocasio-Cortezes” and they’ll be blocked in the Senate because to get things through the Senate they’ll need to court the Manchins and Sasses.

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  • steve Link

    We should track this. I dont think AOC has much influence. She mostly exists to give people on the right something to blog about. What will really happen is that there will be a range of bills from radical to center left and McConnell will filibuster them. What will really chew up time is the Republicans having investigation after investigation looking for voter fraud, which they have done for over 20 years at both the state and federal level without finding it. What the heck, everyone needs a hobby. However, could we make the Republicans pay for this and not make it out of taxpayer funds?


  • Grey Shambler Link

    Ballot fraud.
    Voters have nothing to do with it.
    If you’re comfortable with the current system of tallying the vote it’s because it works for you. Advantage goes to those who control large cities’ political machines. That’s been a given for centuries, but the future looks bleak for those metros and if the population shift trending now holds, their power to swing national elections will slip away.
    As for A.O.C., cameras are drawn to bright lipstick like flies to a fire, and publicity today is a path to power. She’s just won her second term despite the debacle of losing Amazon for N.Y., just been named to the House Oversight Committee. It looks like she already has the power of incumbency in her district, could probably stay in that seat for 50 years.

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