Slouching Towards Armageddon

For your good news of the morning check out this post at Sic Semper Tyrannis on the U. S.’s prodding of Russia into a full-fledged war with Ukraine. At this point it’s just a rumor and I consider it somewhere between discounting it completely and being skeptical of it. But it’s disquieting nonetheless.

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  • Chinese Jetpilot Link

    That’s just a…strange post. American Vanguard, barring it isn’t a CIA front organization (hur hur hur) is an agricultural services company. Not sure why they’d be discussing Ukraine, or at least in any policy-making capacity. But who knows, maybe its a GM food plot. Even the whole rumor aspect smells like bantha poodoo.

    Anyway I don’t see why that’s any more disquieting than Senator McCain’s warmongering drivel.

  • sam Link

    Hmmm. Well, see The Agency.

  • ... Link

    How would NATO be building up its naval forces in the Black Sea? NATO can only put so many ships in there, by treaty.

    This smells of Russian propaganda to ensure more paranoia from their own people. And a good many of the people involved in Ukrainian politics and Russian dissident politics are of the opinion that it’s already a full scale invasion by Russian forces, very thinly disguised as Ukrainian rebels.

    Some of the people I follow on Twitter have been putting out the occasional rumor of unnamed generals in NATO headquarters floating the thought that NATO is likely to be involved in a full scale shooting war with Russia by the end of the summer. I discount those, as well, until and unless someone in the loop puts their own name on a statement.

    I am worried about a war breaking out between Russia & NATO, but my concerns have more to do with the general incompetent nature of the leadership of all the nations involved, rather than intent.

    All the rumors floating around speak to a certain amount of war fever in some parts. Seventy years now since the last major war in Europe. That’s about a record, isn’t it?

  • I am worried about a war breaking out between Russia & NATO, but my concerns have more to do with the general incompetent nature of the leadership of all the nations involved, rather than intent.

    I think the more likely cause of war would be a goof involving the Port of Latakia.

  • ... Link

    Not sure yours isn’t just a subset of mine.

  • Andy Link

    Unfortunately Pat Lang’s website (I’m including the guest posts and comment section) dips into bizarre conspiracies on certain topics. Ukraine is one, it’s completely one-sided there.

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