Slate Star Codex

I have added Scott Alexander’s Slate Star Codex to my selective blogroll. I have followed Dr. Alexander’s blog since it first came to my attention with his great post, “You Are Still Crying Wolf”, which went viral. I have found his work interesting and thought-provoking and recommend it to you.

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  • Andy Link

    I’ve been reading that too for awhile – not sure where I found it, but it was probably here. Usually a lot of thoughtful commentary there.

  • Jan Link

    “You Are Still Crying Wolf” is one of the fairest commentaries I’ve read recently. If people with opposing POVs discussed their differences, sans hyperbole and extremes, not only would the level of discourse improve, but policy creation might have a better opportunity to be derived less from reactionary interactions, and more from a joint reflection of what the people need and want from their goverment representatives.

  • steve Link

    His ignorance on health care is stunning. Well, par for the course actually. Take Tom Price for instance. He is the kind of orthopedic surgeon that even my right wing fellow docs with ethics abhor. He helped make sure that cost effectiveness research pretty much closed down. Why? He is among those orthopedic docs who make deals with device makers to use only their devices, in return for pay. This increases costs, which is bad enough, but they then often put in inferior devices.


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