Simultaneously Endorsing and Condemning?

I wish the editors of the Washington Post would make up their minds. They start out by admonishing President Biden that he was not elected to promote Bernie Sanders’s agenda:

House progressives responded with a letter arguing that Democrats should not cut programs but merely fund all of them for a shorter period of time. “This is our moment to make the President’s vision a reality,” the letter read. “This bill offers us a chance to fundamentally transform the relationship between the American people and their government.”

But that is not what President Biden promised when he ran for president. Mr. Biden handily beat the left’s candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), in the Democratic primaries, arguing that one need not stage a revolution to do good. He spoke about returning normalcy and competence to Washington, not renegotiating the social contract.

They then go on to endorse an aggressive agenda:

This does not mean Democrats should settle for little. If the 2020 election was not a vote for revolution, neither was it an endorsement of stasis. Mr. Biden promised that a return to normalcy would produce tangible results.

and include support for just about every facet of the “Build Back Better” “social infrastructure” bill. They appear to be arguing for prioritization but that exhibits a lack of understanding of contemporary politics. The reason that all spending bills these days are omnibus spending bills is that’s the only way the House leadership can cobble together enough votes to pass them.

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