Shutting the Barn Door

If there’s any sure sign that the Chinese authorities have achieved their objectives in the aggressive cyber-attacks they’ve promoted against the United States and U. S. companies this will tell us:

WASHINGTON — After what figures to be a pleasant meeting with Pope Francis this week, President Obama faces more contentious conversations with a powerful global rival: President Xi Jinping of China.

Hacking, cybersecurity, military ambitions in Asia, and Chinese economic troubles are among the tense topics on the agenda as Obama and Xi meet at the White House on Thursday night and Friday.

If the Chinese have obtained about as much intelligence as they think they’re likely to get, they’ll indicate their interest in a verifiable accord governing the use of cyberwarfare. IMO the Obama Administration erred in their response to the hacking of the Office of Personnel Records. If they had reliable evidence of Chinese involvement, they should have responded decisively and visibly. That’s why deterrence requires.

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