Sauce for the Goose

Is it my imagination or are those who argued back in 2010 and 2011 that the Republicans had no right to complain about the form that health care reform had taken because they had put forward no reform plan of their own not putting forward their own tax reform plans? Shouldn’t they be doing that?

As I’ve been saying for the last ten years we’re overdue for tax reform. The tax code is like a ship. Over time it acquires barnacles which need to be scraped away in drydock. I’ve already expressed my opinion that the very least we should do is bring the corporate income tax within OECD norms and add a bracket above the current top bracket so that abolishing the corporate income tax is at the very least not regressive. It would be better to abolish corporate and personal income taxes in favor of a VAT with a prebate so it’s not regressive but that’s clearly a bridge too far.

While we’re on the subject, what’s the Democrats’ plan for more robust economic growth? Shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic isn’t much of a plan but that seems to be about it.

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  • walt moffett Link

    Believe some of the same where also saying after Obama’s election, all criticism should cease,

    The barebones of the D’s plan for taxation and economic growth seem to be boost taxes on the undeserving rich, increase the flow of tax deductible dollars to various charities that hire cronies and relatives while blaming the Rs.

  • steve Link

    Heard part of a Trump interview while driving this week. He pretty much conceded it will just be a tax cut, not reform.


  • Ben Wolf Link

    The way to faster growth is to change who makes the investment decisions. So long as both parties are committed to defending capitalism that isn’t going to happen.

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