Remember North Korea?

The fun-loving kids in North Korea, flushed with success from their missile tests last month, appear to be preparing for a test of a nuclear weapon:

There is new evidence that North Korea may be preparing for an underground test of a nuclear bomb, U.S. officials told ABC News.

“It is the view of the intelligence community that a test is a real possibility,” said a senior State Department official.

A senior military official told ABC News that a U.S. intelligence agency has recently observed “suspicious vehicle movement” at a suspected North Korean test site.

The activity includes the unloading of large reels of cable outside P’unggye-yok, an underground facility in northeast North Korea. Cables can be used in nuclear testing to connect an underground test site to outside observation equipment. The intelligence was brought to the attention of the White House last week.

Even before this most recent intelligence, there has been growing concern within the U.S. government that North Korea has been moving toward a nuclear test. North Korea is believed to have enough nuclear material to build as many as a dozen nuclear bombs, but it has never tested one. A successful test would remove any doubt that North Korea is a nuclear power.

QandO Blog is soliciting suggestions for dealing with the situation. As I’ve maintained for years any real solution of the problems that North Korea presents requires the active participation of China, the North Korean state’s primary patron and, in the final analysis, their sole reason for existence. As we saw last month China can be motivated to take a tougher line with the North Koreans. Make sure that a North Korean nuclear test is an embarrassment to the Chinese.

Japan has first-rate technological ability, economic resources, military (although they call it a police force), and lots of material. I doubt they’ll be amused by North Korean nuclear tests. Sounds like an East Asian arms race in the making to me.

IMO a nuclear-armed North Korea highlights the problem with unstable states getting nuclear weapons. Do you prop up genuinely reprehensible regimes to ensure that their nuclear weapons don’t fall into even worse hands? Or do you encourage these regimes to fail in the hope that their nuclear weapons won’t fall into even worse hands in the chaos that follows?

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  • To the North Korean People:I send my sincere affection and prayer that North and South Korea may unify without the corruptive influence of the enemy of Mankind: the uNITED sTATES of aMERICA.
    August 16, 2006

    For several years I have had the honor and the accompanying pain to report fbi and cia crimes and misdemeanors against my person. The significance of my reports are not simply to assist myself in staying alive, but to provide an historical document which in time may serve others similarly imprisoned (though not always behind bars) by the high tech gadgetry (and low minded thugs) of these two hideous agencies.
    Therefore, the first purpose for this article is to express my gratitude for all who have seen and verified my reports and for all who see the global importance to humanity of the lessons I and others attempt to present. Thank you eternally.
    The other purpose herein is to offer whatever services I may to any other *person who is being tortured, imprisoned, or otherwise hounded by the world’s most misguided and pathological miscreants: the agents, operatives, thugs, assassins, executioners, handlers of the fbi and the cia and their sympathizers and allies globally. Tell me who you are, please; give me the dates, tiimes and methods associated with your suffering at the hands of the fbi/cia and their global affiliates (including the mindless police in every jurisdiction), so that I can better understand how to attack (in an intellectual sense) these bestial humans in a way that will help educate the world regarding their purposes and their tactics. Provide the details and the names of your torturers. If you cannot communicate, then please relay the data to someone else for this study. While I may not be of direct aid to my fellow prisoners, I can add the material into the fold of my own updates and thereby give others the benefit of your travails; history needs you to vocalize your agony as I have for the benefit of future generations.
    Someday the thugs I describe will be out of power; they will be replaced with a diametrically opposite mentality and morality as represented by you and I. The people who will replace the hate mongers and torturers are those of us who seek humane treatment, with no exceptions, now and always, for the most glorious and noble of this earth’s occupants, the individual human being. The misanthropes whose defective and collective vision is jaded by their trade mark images of blood, chains, torture cells, and mass graves, etc., will run for cover and the new civilization will be born from your ideas and your reports, and from mine. The program to remove the warlords and the vicious exploiters of mankind from power is underway now; we are at the front edge of the largely invisible effort to make this new awakening, or phenomenon, a reality for all of our Brothers and Sisters in every corner of the world.
    Best Wishes.Love.
    *See my message at:
    The above statements do not represent a solicitation of any kind; further, the above appeal represents neither an offer nor an acceptance of the data and material referenced herein; all efforts by Geral Sosbee, P. O. Box 2272, Brownsville, Texas, 78522 (956)459-3024,, are intended as an educational pursuit for students of the Humanities.

    Permit me to introduce you to the Enemy of Mankind ( as though you don’t know): the uNITED STATES of AMERICA. Those who aid the uSA in the torture, imprisonment and killing of my Brothers and Sisters must answer someday to all of Humanity, and to GOD.

    Cult of torture,mayhem, Death

    Where is the USA taking the world?
    Down a path contrary to the laws of nature and Humanity, and at the same time contradistinctive to the dignity of man.
    Rest of the text:
    See the site for information on how the fbi/cia silence critics of USA wars on the world;see how the fbi/cia attempt to force into suicide the most viable and credible reporters of USA sponsored high crimes and misdemeanors globally; read the documents which expose the fbi and the cia as satanic and ritual torturers; discover or confirm the emergence of USA sponsored international goon squads who watch in real time and record (for the Senate Intelligence Subcommittee of Congress)as the Targets (of their inhumane assaults) take their own lives.
    Don’t take my word for it; investigate the phenomena yourselves; neither accept the denials and counter claims of the world’s most heinous thugs and miscreants (i.e., the fbi,cia), but delve into the matter with the dedication of a Renaissance explorer and the resolve of a bear on salmon trove.
    geral sosbee
    Short description of mail contact:
    torture by fbi/cia and affiliates

    Mail contact:
    Short description of suggested url:
    expose fbi/cia crimes against humanity: forced suicides, global torture

    Suggested link:

    The tactics employed globally by the fbi/cia reflect the homicidal profile of the enforcers and perpetrators of the new, stagnant and completely controlled world. These tactics include, but are not limited to the following :
    mass murder (sometimes one at a time)
    torture (physical and psychological)
    blackmail (of a mortifying type)
    stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement
    burglary, robbery, theft, fraud, extortion
    false imprisonment, abuse of civil process and disabling calumny
    financial isolation and ruination
    human experimentation (of a monstrous type)
    programming for suicide (inter alia) of the Targeted individuals
    psychological operations and mind control
    psychoelectronic bombardment
    chemical, biological, and viral assaults on human beings
    intrusive, continuous and disturbing surveillance (physical and electronic) twenty four hours a day, seven days a week
    -aided by tracking devices implanted in the person and properties of the Target
    -with invasions into home, office and car ; and with strategic tamperings therein designed to drive the Target insane
    The fbi/cia agents, operatives, thugs, assigns, handlers and supporters are your neighbors, friends, relatives, spouses, representatives, doctors, etc. Geral Sosbee
    Until the United States’ terrorists and assassins are stopped in their
    tracks, the world cannot rest. Human beings are presently tortured,
    imprisoned and murdered by the fbi and the cia worldwide for no cause;
    this will not stop until the global population demands the surrender of
    the homicidal sociopaths who dominate U.S. political and economic
    policies. The concept that if the U.S. is let alone (or with its
    puppet allies) to be armed with nuclear weaponry in order to allow the
    rest of the world to live in peace is total lunacy. The United States
    used the nuclear bomb, threatens to use it again, and will in fact use
    it again to attack any nation which remotely threatens the U.S.
    stranglehold on the world. Indeed according to Karl W B Schwarz (and others),”evidence is still piling up that they have done wrong for the past three presidential administrations in using depleted uranium weapons on Iraq twice, Bosnia and Afghanistan.”
    Under the best of scenarios (as viewed from the perspective of non
    conforming-belligerent nations), however, the world cannot defeat the
    U.S. war machine. Any attempt to prepare to do so will be met with
    total destruction of the aggressor. Even today the U.S. has another
    weapon (other than conventional) which can theoretically wipe out,
    instantaneously, any cache or bank of unfriendly technologies which may
    pose a threat to the U.S. or its allies: the laser beam fixed in
    positon in outer space can accomplish this little task just fine (see
    world in a box at
    The real issue , I think, is how
    to stop all weaponry on earth from being used and at the same time to
    afford all human beings alive some hope for peace and stability
    everywhere and for all time. The formation of a one world , one people
    Humane global government must be studied and proposed. The tyrants of
    any given country cannot be entrusted with Human Rights and Individual
    Freedom issues ever again. This means that the people of the world, not
    their respective governments, must embark on mankind’s most ambitious
    odyssey: the journey toward permanent peace and harmony on earth and
    the uncompromising realization of Human Rights for all. This can be
    done; such a goal is not simply a dream. What appears as an
    unattainable dream is that the United States or any other government
    on earth will someday stop killing and torturing people and allow them
    to live in peace , mutual respect and love.
    Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning
    leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for
    human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards
    for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in
    murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the
    THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a
    respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly
    merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated
    by all that is holy and graceful in the universe.
    We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the
    militia, or any other government agency (or person) of the United
    States (or any other country) from dictating the terms of our surrender
    unto their authority, custom, culture, power now and for all times; in
    furtherance of this recognition, the world’s population forthwith seeks
    to expose such dictatorial intent (and the techniques employed in
    support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing
    basis to protect and to defend the people of the world (now and in the
    future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN.
    As people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the
    agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest
    globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic
    assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not
    reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom
    fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally
    aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee

  • The fbi and the cia are traitors and most Americans and all branches of uSA government support and fear them.

    “The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation…he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ”
    Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.

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