
Bruce Krasting recounts his role as provocateur at a 4th of July party that included enough entrepeneurs, Wall Street folks, Social Security recipients, young people, and public employees to make things interesting:

It was a mixed crowd. A few local business folks (my plumber was there). Mostly commuters to the Big Apple. Lawyers, a doctor or two. I met one accountant. The Madison Avenue types are always a laugh. A number of Wall Streeters (more women than men). And one blogger.

So I started an argument. It got out of hand. Some spouses had to break it up. One lady later accused me of pushing the row; I was ‘raining’ on the holiday fun. And anyway, “there were kids around”. What type of example were “we” setting arguing like that?

The fireworks began long before sunset. It’s both amusing and terribly, terribly sad.

Read the whole thing.

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