Probability Zero

I think that we can safely assign a probability of zero to John Kass’s suggestion in his Chicago Tribune column. Referring to Hillary Clinton and the reopening of the FBI’s investigation of her he writes:

What if she is elected? Think of a nation suffering a bad economy and continuing chaos in the Middle East, and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president. Add to that congressional investigations and a public vision of Clinton as a Nixonian figure wandering the halls, wringing her hands.

The best thing would be for Democrats to ask her to step down now. It would be the most responsible thing to do, if the nation were more important to them than power. And the American news media — fairly or not firmly identified in the public mind as Mrs. Clinton’s political action committee — should begin demanding it.

American politics isn’t responsible, prudent, or fair and the time to do that was in the primaries. Now for good or ill the Democrats are stuck with her. I think they’ll see it as good.

I do agree with him on one particular:

I’ve always figured that, as secretary of state, Clinton kept her home-brew email server — from which foreign intelligence agencies could hack top secret information — so she could shield the influence peddling that helped make the Clintons several fortunes.

The Clintons weren’t skilled merchants. They weren’t traders or manufacturers. The Clintons never produced anything tangible. They had no science, patents or devices to make them millions upon millions of dollars.

All they had to sell, really, was influence. And they used our federal government to leverage it.

There are other explanations but they require so many assumptions, the implications of which are even worse and less likely, that it would be amazing to me if most people even Sec. Clinton’s supporters believed anything else.

9 comments… add one
  • ... Link

    Did you see the video of Joe Biden’s reaction upon learning the source of the new emails? Classic stuff! It’s also the look of a man realizing he should have run for President this cycle.

    Best election ever!

    Also good is the picture of Huma breaking down into tears upon learning the news as Hillary looks on sternly.

    Tell me again why a National Razor Party is a bad idea?

  • ... Link

    ALSO good stuff: Justice officials leaking that they advised Comey to not release this information in this manner because it violated accepted Justice Department practices. No word on whether or not those same officials think it’s okay for they themselves to plead the Fifth before Congress.

  • steve Link

    Anyone have a link to Lynch taking the fifth? Cant find one where she actually did that.


  • Modulo Myself Link

    The best thing would be for Democrats to ask her to step down now. It would be the most responsible thing to do, if the nation were more important to them than power. And the American news media — fairly or not firmly identified in the public mind as Mrs. Clinton’s political action committee — should begin demanding it.

    Haha, yes she should be replaced with someone more palatable to John Kass. Say like Marco Rubio. What a great idea! But those stupid selfish Democrats are ruining the country by not being John Kass, which is insane, cruel, and sad.

    Anyway, the GOP should be thankful she’s not Nixon, because if she is, after Trump and this debacle with Comey, she could have carte blanche to destroy the party using whatever means necessary. Prosecute a few big donors and their networks, tear into the last remnants of the think tanks, and out every hypocrite evangelical as a twink-chasing ketamine freak and it’s lights out.

  • Ken Hoop Link

    You mean Sanders’ constructed “revolution” movement, he/it doesn’t have it organized enough to demand the Dems redeem themselves by placing him on the ballot, or is he a permanently cuckolded non-entity?

  • Guarneri Link

    “Anyone have a link to Lynch taking the fifth?”

    Good point. The link escapes me at the moment, but if memory serves she was otherwise engaged in charming, Norman Rockwell-like discussions of grandchildren with Bill Clinton after a chance meeting on an Arizona Tarmac………within accepted Justice Department practices of course.

  • CuriousOnlooker Link

    Lets take a look at the people responsible for Hillary’s current predicament.

    Bill Clinton – The New Yorker reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch would not have publicized reopening the investigation. However, she had to recuse herself because she met Bill Clinton on an airplane alone. Therefore it left Comey to do whatever he wanted and able to overrule her objection.

    Huma Abedin – Simple enough, if Hillary had not made Huma her assistant, Anthony Weiner would not have emails in his laptop

    Barack Obama – If he had not made Hillary Secretary of State, there would no email mess. Also, he appointed both Lynch and Comey.

    Of course, there’s Wiener too.

    I was going to end the post with the saying “With friends like these, who needs enemies”, but Clinton needs Donald Trump, the biggest reason why she wins if she wins. Is there a term for when a sensible phrase becomes an oxymoron?

    Shakespeare could not make this up if he tried.

  • Shakespeare could not make this up if he tried.

    He could have if Holinshed had written it up in his Chronicles for him.

    If I’m not mistaken Loretta Lynch’s “taking the Fifth” is just drollery. She has many other reasons to refuse to testify, the most notable being executive privilege and she’s using those.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    Huma HAD to send State Dept. docs to her husbands laptop because the printer at State wasn’t working properly. What else could she do? I suppose she could have printed them off at a public library but there’s always a line.
    Oh, and by the way, That is Huma’s line.

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