
Expect a full court press from the major media outlets in support of Elizabeth Warren. She is the Democratic presidential candidate most acceptable to the DNC with the least baggage who isn’t Joe Biden.

12 comments… add one
  • Actually I think that we’re going to start seeing the other candidates, and the press, take a more critical look at Warren and her so-called plans than she’s gotten over the summer. She’s mostly gotten away without having to explain (1) how she could possibly get any one of her ideas through Congress, never mind all of them and (2) how she would pay for them without middle-class tax increases.

    At some point, simply saying “I have a plan for that” isn’t going to be enough.

  • I agree that whatever other candidates remain will start “going after” her but, as I say, she has the advantage of being a candidate acceptable to the Democratic Party leadership with some level of popular support who isn’t Joe Biden.

    I’m afraid the Democrats, following Trump’s lead, have decided they can just promise anything during the primaries.


    The Democratic presidential aspirants may divide themselves into two groups—those who see themselves as prospective VP candidates and those who don’t. Those who do will leave Warren alone, preferring to attack Trump. Those who do not will criticize Warren.

    Another Update

    Doug, judging by the comments in your recent post at OTB my prediction is right on the money.

  • steve Link

    If they give her as much attention as Trump received in 2016, then she has a good chance.

    Doug- No one ever challenged Trump on how he was going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. How he was going to give everyone health care and it would be better and cheaper. Why would they do that with Warren?


  • walt moffett Link

    have noticed mainstream sites (Policto, RCP etc) are picking photos of Warren that show her as young and energetic while Biden’s remind me of a carnie barker on articles. Next up no doubt will be the halo pictures.

  • Grey Shambler Link

    I’m surprised Trump would go after Biden’s weak spot so early, (you’re also going to hear “China Joe”). Trump may just be being Trump, but I suspect he’d prefer another opponent, I think he’d prefer Sanders.

  • Andy Link

    I think Warren is the most likely candidate at this point, for the reasons you cite. She’s also the most likely to benefit from the Ukraine scandal that’s emerging.

    Doug is right that she hasn’t received a lot of scrutiny, but I don’t scrutiny will hurt her much in the primary.

    “No one ever challenged Trump on how he was going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.”

    You’re right, except for just about every major news outlet. Even some of Trump supporters and Fox Opinion personalities have said it wasn’t a smart thing to say.

  • Dave,

    A comment thread is, of course, hardly representative of a party as a whole or of the Democratic electorate.

    That being said I think Biden benefits so long as the focus on who is best situated to defeat Trump in November 2020. As I see it, he’s far more likely to attract the voters that Hillary lost and hold on to the Democratic base. Warren, on the other hand, strikes me as being a candidate Trump would love to go up against, and one I think he’d have a good chance at defeating in much the same way he did Clinton. Even if that means another split between the popular and Electoral College votes.

    And speaking for myself, I could see myself voting for Biden.

    I could not see myself voting for Warren, or Sanders for that matter.

  • A comment thread is, of course, hardly representative of a party as a whole or of the Democratic electorate.

    No but primary voters aren’t representative of the party as a whole, either. The question is whether your commenters are representative of Democratic primary voters. Sadly, I think they may be.

    As I’ve said before I think that at this point the Democrats’ best ticket is Biden-Booker. I don’t think they realize how weak a Warren-Harris ticket would be by comparison. Who if anyone Booker endorses should he drop out will give us an indication of which way the wind is blowing.

  • steve Link

    “You’re right, except for just about every major news outlet. Even some of Trump supporters and Fox Opinion personalities have said it wasn’t a smart thing to say.”

    Not so much in the primary stage, and while a few Trump supporters might have said it was stupid I dont remember them pushing hard on it for very long, but then that was part of Trump’s genius. He made more wild promises or outrageous statements and the Wall would get dropped.


  • Guarneri Link

    One can only shake their head in amazement at a debate about standard issue political hyperbole, in which equivalency is claimed between a Mexico funded Wall and a) eliminating the private health care option, b) an economy destroying Green New Deal, c) paying the health care of everyone who can cross the border and d) nationalizing the student loan debt.

  • steve Link

    You want more? Easy to do.

    1) Provide cheaper and better healthcare to everyone. (Repeal Obamacare.)
    2) Reduce vaccination doses for children and spread them out over a longer period. (Anti-vaxxer in chief.)
    3)Let individuals deduct health insurance from their taxes.
    4) Rebuild the Marines to 36 battalions.
    5) Term limits for Congress.
    6) Invest $550 billion in infrastructure.
    7) Balance the budget
    8) Repeal the AMT
    9) GDP growth of 6% (4% in some versions.)


  • TarsTarkas Link

    Warren is, always has been, and always will be a fraud. Her claim to fame is a thoroughly debunked paper that cherry-picked data to ‘prove’ that medical bills were a prime cause of personal bankruptcy, she acquired her tenured positions by pretending to be American Indian, and went from defending corporations tooth and nail to lambasting them. Thank God she was denied her dream job of the unaccountable CFPB (why that monstrosity still exists I hold strongly against Trump) or we’d still be in the 11th year of the Obama ‘recovery’ if not an outright recession or even depression. She’s a nagger, a belittler, and a know-it-all bullshitter. Her ‘plans’ are as concrete as Gary Hart’s ‘new ideas’ were.

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