Polling the Readership

Do any of my readers still think that Donald Trump will be elected president?

I never have. You can propose all sort of explanations for why that might be but the bottom line is that he won’t be elected. However, I want to know what the rest of you think.

23 comments… add one
  • ... Link

    I’ve got no idea who will be elected. Both candidates make me sick to my stomach. I’m just not sure that the naked partisanship of the press won’t backfire.

  • PD Shaw Link

    Answer: No, but I’ve never been sure until sometime after he wrapped up the Republican nomination and didn’t seem to develop a broader primary approach.

  • walt moffett Link

    No, the combination of hard work put in by the Clinton Machine and Trump’s pigeons returning home have given her the election.

  • ... Link

    Oh, actually, there’s one clear way for The Donald to win, and that’s if Anonymous really has the video they claim to have, and it gets widely disseminated BEFORE the election. It that case, all bets are off. But right now it’s a question of whether the world’s richest man can buy enough women to claim Donald grabbed their pussies vs whether or not Jeffrey Epstein filmed Bubba fucking drugged up 13 year-olds with Anonymous getting the goods.

    It’s assholes and scumbags all the way down.

  • Guarneri Link

    No. Partly through his own past and behavior. But also it is impossible to break through the media din.

    Trump is, as I’ve noted, a goon. Clinton is right there with him, if not worse. When the rule of law matters not to senior government officials you have a problem. When it matters not to the primary vehicle for info dissemination like the media you have a rather unaddressable problem.

  • Guarneri Link

    Ice – who or what is Anonomous, and whatbisnthe back story?

  • ... Link

    Given Bill’s own proclivities, and the great deal of time he spent with Epstein, including flying around on what was dubbed “Air Fuck One”, I have no doubt that Bill was doing it. The only question is whether or not it was really recorded.

    The Republic has been dead for some time. The swarms of flies and buzzards surrounding the carcass now ought to leave no doubt.

  • Guarneri Link

    Re: anonymous

    You know, as the Podesta emails make clear, Obama flat lied about knowing about her server. She lied about her server. Only a moron doesn’t see coverup and media collaboration. It’s perfect for the Washington is rigged theme.

    Iran is behaving as predicted and showing how feckless this administrations foreign policy is and has been.

    And Hillary Clinton is the bimbo eruption fixer / woman destroyer (think Monica the stalker) in fact, while he is boorish.

    And yet all the average voter hears is Trump is a groper.

    And now some notion of secret sex slave tapes? Would it matter (think OTB commenters). Would it get reported? Think hard about that before judging. Does groping really matter compared with economy or foreign policy? (Think about 60 mm books and $600mm in movie revenues for chick flick 50 Shades of Grey – talk about selective outrage).

    I’ve been playing a lot of golf recently. I think it’s time for more golf.

  • ... Link

    I _did_ make a point of questioning whether or not the video would get widely disseminated before the election, if it exists. I’m certain the media will cover it up at least until after the election.

    As for Trump and the groping – normally I would say it does matter, if true. But these aren’t normal times. The people claiming Trump’s groping is bad have excused far worse, including forgiving child molesting time and time again, because they like the people on their side. (And don’t really give a shit is a movie director drugs up and rapes a teenage girl, or their favorite gay Congressman is molesting the pages. Shit, if those people mattered, they wouldn’t be getting molested anyway, right?)

    I have supported Trump reluctantly, because he is the first person in 24 years to make any kind of credible push against The Establishment’s efforts to bury the country in foreign labor and foreign goods in order to enrich the few at the expense of the many. And all the goddamned wars, of course, which both parties support with great gusto. I still support trump reluctantly for those reasons, even though I don’t really trust him. Thus the lack of enthusiasm.

    I support him enthusiastically because he pisses off all the right people, and because his election would probably wreck both parties. At a bare minimum, he’s wrecked the Republican Party, and that’s more of a positive than anything the last three Democratic Presidents have accomplished, or that Hillary might accomplish. The entire political establishment of this country, and the financiers and foreign governments who have paid for them (the Wikileaks remove all doubt about the Clintons being anything other than a wholly owned subsidiary of the House of Saud), and the media, whose owners buy and sell pols, and whose workers support them unquestioningly – at least so long as they’re Democrats – deserve whatever bad things happen to them, and much worse than is likely to happen to them. They’re an entire class of looters and users.

    A lot of people are becoming more aware of how bad the media is. Things like Matt Yglesias stating that all Trump supporters are Nazis and claiming that if Trump is elected angry mobs (as opposed to the friendly mob of blacks that tried to cave in his skull a few years ago) will hunt down and kill blacks and Jews with impunity, aren’t making The Establishment media types look like anything other than rabid liars, which they are. Fuck ’em.

    Others are noticing that all these Trump allegations have been (a) coordinated with the Hillary campaign, and (b) have been held back until the last practical moment. NBC had the pussy grabbing audio since 2005 – they could have released in the early summer of 2015 if they had REALLY thought it important. People are also noticing that the NYTs has an important owner in the person of the World’s (sometimes) Richest Man – who just happens to be a sorta Mexican that makes scads off of Mexican immigration into the US (both legal and illegal) because of his main line of business. The news organizations do not look clean to anyone that cares to look.

    So, that’s why I’m still voting for the son of a bitch. It’s not that he’s my son of a bitch, it’s that he definitely is NOT theirs. The enemy of my enemy is the enemy of my enemy. If Obama can make nice with ISIS to fight the Russians, the least I can do is make nice with The Donald to fuck over the people fucking over my country.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    Iv’e learned this about Trump, he plays to win. What, maybe 20 days to go? Yes, I think he can win, but it could go the other way too. Wasn’t the question, “can he still win”?, yes, it’s up for grabs, and you aint seen nothing yet when it comes to dirty.

  • Andy Link

    I don’t think Trump will be elected. But then I read probably the best political analysis in the past year and it gives me some pause. Ironice this comes from a humor and satire website. The numbers don’t add up though. Seriously, read the whole thing, it’s totally worth it.

    Of course, there’s this (fingers crossed).

  • Andy Link

    I used links, therefore I have a comment in moderation.

  • ... Link

    Here’s why Trump got this far, and why he might still have a shot:

    Orlando judge tosses Disney IT outsourcing lawsuit

    Walt Disney World and two outsourcing contractors have won dismissal of lawsuits filed by former IT workers.

    The lawsuits, filed in January, alleged that the Disney employees were the victim of a racketeering scheme to terminate them and replace them with immigrant, outsourced workers through the federal H-1B Visa program. Adding insult to injury, the workers were also forced to train their replacements or they would lose severance benefits.

    U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell ordered the suits dismissed Thursday.

    Presnell ruled that the former Disney employees, Leo Perrero and Dena Moore, were off-base in their accusations that Disney and outsourcing firms HCL Inc. and Cognizant Technologies made false statements on certifications for the Visa program.

    The H-1B program requires employers to state whether current employees would be “adversely affected” when a company hires foreign workers through the program. Perrero and Moore argued in court that their working conditions at Disney were adversely affected, because they were forced to train people who would take their jobs, for lower pay.

    According to the court record, however, HCL stated that none its own employees would be adversely affected.

    In the judge’s dismissal of the cases, he states that HCL’s statements weren’t false, and would only have been false if HCL’s own workers were adversely affected by the Visa program.

    This is why companies like Disney hire firms like HCL & Cognizant, who are evil bastards, as is Disney. I would also note that this judge is a Bill Clinton appointee, and that we can expect such “the meaning of ‘is’ is” screw jobs to continue under a Hillary Presidency.

    HRC has stated repeatedly (in private) that she believes in a borderless world, and in public has stated how much she hates non-gay white men. So she’s really going to give a shit about American workers that aren’t fags, trannies, or some other “minority”. (She won’t give a shit about the others, either, save for lip service.)

    Expect her to get even richer as a consequence, as Bill gives one million dollar five minute speeches to the kind of people that matter. I’m sure Chelsea and her husband will rake in the bucks, too. No one will say boo, because they didn’t give a shit when this was going on when she was Secretary of State.

    National Razor Party: NOW!

  • steve Link

    Drew- Thanks for demonstrating how conservatives think. If a woman liked 50 Shades of Gray, it is perfectly fine for people to grope them.

    Have been out of the country a bit. What is Iran doing?


  • Guarneri Link

    That wasn’t aimed at you, ice. No need for a rationalization. It was just general musing about a bizarre campaign and bizarre thinking patterns (see Steve’s comment).

    Ultimately I think the real loser here will be the media, particularly major networks and newspapers, and their Washington press corp. With so many alternatives available and a very apparent long, long slide in credibility they really didn’t need to drive into the ditch, make that the ravine. It’s kind of the final act in a decades long process started by Walter Cronkites post-retirement admission that CBS intentionally skewed reporting. It may take awhile, but an escaped genie from the bottle eventually does great harm.

  • Hari Link

    I didn’t think any Republican would win this year, just based on the 2012 election. I didn’t think anyone could flip enough states to win. I did think of any of the Republican field, Trump had the best shot to win, since his celebrity could bring out people who don’t normally vote – a much better strategy than fighting over the small pool of undecideds. I never thought he would flame out as spectacularly as he has.

  • ... Link

    Andy, why would I want to vote for Johnson or McMullin when I dislike their policies? Trump’s a scumbag, but he’s the only candidate out there questioning unlimited immigration and negotiated trade deals designed to make the rich & powerful even richer & more powerful – intentionally at the expense of everyone else?

    Like it or not he’s the only alternative option that was even presented this cycle, after Bernie decided open borders were the way to his one party paradise.

  • CStanley Link

    Ellipsis, doesn’t that beg the question of whether Trump really supports those policies? Not to mention whether or not he could convert the ideas to policy, even if that is his real intent.

  • ... Link

    CStanley, I’m not sure if I’ve done so here, but I’ve written before (and stated publicly in real life) that I’m not at all certain I can trust Trump on these issues. But what choice do I have? I wasn’t given the choice of Trump or someone else that makes a point of supporting these policies. I was given a choice of Trump or people that want to dissolve the borders, make citizenship irrelevant, and steal every goddamned thing that isn’t tied down for themselves and make the rest of us serfs.

    Would I prefer a better spokesman? Certainly. Point one out to me that could have had a chance of even lasting until late in the primary season.

    To do this takes someone with a pre-existing platform, money, and a don’t-give-a-shit attitude. The people that have those attributes are very few in number, and most stand more to gain from the current path than they do any other path. Hell, Trump does too. In my view, it’s only his ego-mania that has led him down this path, and all the efforts to destroy him will cow other similar individuals. (An all out effort is now going on to destroy Peter Thiel, too, including a great deal of obviously corrupt actions by Obama’s government. “Don’t upset the gravy train” is THE one commandment the ruling class and its lackeys must obey.) Despite all the talk of the friction between the parties, a close inspection shows they’ve been in agreement about issues that really mattered for decades, with the only differences being about how the spoils will be divided.

    If Trump does get elected, can he institute his policies? As Schuler (among others) has stated, Trump’s positions appear to be the opening positions in a negotiation. He’ll never get all of those positions. But any progress to be made should be taken, if for no other reason than perhaps it will inspire other ambitious politicians to stake out a path different from Est., Inc. And yes, they would be doing so largely out of personal ambition, which makes them no different from the other sociopaths running the country. Such is the nature of the times – no one in power is concerned about anything other than their own goddamned self-interests – and not always with any thought as to how things might go wrong, not just for others but for themselves.

  • ... Link

    Basically, the choice for me is this: I am given the choice of two pistols. Each one has one bullet in it. On pistol is a revolver. The other is a clip-loaded semi-automatic. I have to choose one pistol, put it to my head, and pull the trigger. Trump is the revolver. Everyone else is the semi-automatic. It’s not much of a choice, is it?

  • TastyBits Link


    I think you pistol analogy is spot-on.

    The Clinton machine would have thrown as much shit at any of the other candidates, and they would have curled-up into the fetal position. Hell, they probably would have decided that they were unfit to be president.

    If Trump loses, I suspect that he is not going to bow out gracefully. If anybody thought the birth certificate issue was bad, I can only imagine what the next four years will be like. On second thought, my imagination is not that vivid.

  • ... Link

    If Trump loses, I suspect that he is not going to bow out gracefully. If anybody thought the birth certificate issue was bad, I can only imagine what the next four years will be like. On second thought, my imagination is not that vivid.

    I suspect it will depend on how he loses. If HRC does indeed win the popular vote by 10, then he’ll concede. If it’s close? There are already examples of shenanigans going on here and there, and people are hardly even looking yet. In that case, who knows?

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