Not Wild for the Donald

The editors of the Wall Street Journal clearly prefer Carly Fiorina over Donald Trump:

Ms. Fiorina made it to the big debate stage for the first time and didn’t waste the opportunity. The former Hewlett-Packard CEO showed off her policy chops and skill in delivering a message. She does her homework.

She notably outshone the other two “outsiders” who haven’t held elected office— Donald Trump and Ben Carson. The retired pediatric neurosurgeon can be endearing but he suffered from vagueness and looked smaller than he did in the first debate. Mr. Trump was full of his usual bluster and bragging but seemed out of his depth when the debate turned toward specifics.

If Ms. Fiorina rises in the polls, I’m sure we’ll hear more and more attacks of her tenure at Hewlett-Packard. IMO what you think of it depends on whether you’re an oldtime HP-ista or not and your opinion should rest almost entirely on what you think of the merger of the company with Compaq. I think it was part of a necessary consolidation and refocusing of the company but I can see how an oldtime HP-ista would see it as heresy.

Meanwhile, are you going to believe the critics or your own lyin’ eyes? She’s obviously bright and energetic and doing the job any presidential candidate should be doing: painting a bright picture of America and its future. If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate, the Republicans will need her. She’s the perfect counter to Sec. Clinton.

11 comments… add one
  • Cstanley Link

    Fiorina is impressive and I like her much more than I expected I would. She evokes Thatcher- intentionally, no doubt.

    I’m a bit surprised that you put her in your list of favorites because her foreign policy stance is quite aggressive.

  • To the best of my ability to determine the only non-interventionist among the candidates is Rand Paul and I can’t support him.

  • Cstanley Link

    Yeah, I thought that might be it. I feel the same way about Paul though I can’t put my finger on the reason.

    Back to Fiorina- although this is rather mean spirited (and that’s not really my intent because I don’t dislike Jeb Bush personally), I find it amusing that his team is likely reviewing the tapes to study how Jeb could emulate Carly’s display of testicular fortitude toward Trump.

  • ... Link

    I’m getting a kick out of seeing people defending Fiorina’s business record TODAY who, just last week, were ripping her as an evil capitalist. Apparently they’ve discovered she has ovaries. Or, more likely, that she isn’t The Donald.

    Incidentally, if I’m to believe CNN, the only candidate Wall Street fears is The Donald. Apparently Elizabeth Warren is considered more Wall Street friendly. (With reason, no doubt.) Yes, I take that as something of an endorsement.

    And speaking of The Donald, what will his Secret Service moniker be? It could be The Donald! Or possibly The Duck.

  • Guarneri Link

    The Duck of Death.

  • ... Link

    although this is rather mean spirited….

    It’s not mean spirited if it’s true!

    Forgot to watch. Yes, I was considering watching, just to see Trump! Was El Jeffe ¡Jeb! “low energy” again? Personally I think Trump should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom simply for ruining the Bush candidacy. Probably should give Hillary the same award for ruining the Hillary candidacy.

  • ... Link

    The Duck of Death.

    Wish I’d thought of that! What a great movie that comes from….

  • steve Link

    Fiorina was, IIRC, studied by the B schools as a case study for poor management. She was voted one if the worst of all time CEOs. I am thinking this transcends old time HP-ista animosity. AFAICT she landed that one major CEO job at HP, performed poorly, and has done nothing of note since then except run for office, and lose. That said, she talks well in debates.


  • TastyBits Link

    @Harry Reid
    … no Negro dialect …
    @Donald Trump
    … look at that face …
    … she talks well in debates.

    Being white, rich, and elite has its privileges. You can be as condescending as you like.

  • Ben Wolf Link

    HP could and shoukd have stood aside and allowed Compaq to implode under the crap quality of the products it sold then picked up the valuable pieces afterward. Instead a tremendous amount of money was wasted acquiring junk, HP’s R & D was slashed to the bone (meaning it spent the next fifteen years flailing behind Apple with no response to its popular products and shareholders got taken to the cleaners.

    But Carly got $100 million for it so who cares? What matters is that you’re rich not how you got it.

    I’d absolutely vote for Trump or Carson before this woman.

  • ... Link

    But Carly got $100 million for it so who cares? What matters is that you’re rich not how you got it.

    Which is why none of the people that are rich or powerful have any reason to give a shit about the rest of us. The bad thing is that the rest of us CAN do something about it, at the ballot box, but instead we keep sending the same people back to DC to rape us all over again.

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