
Joel Kotkin has the core of an interesting idea at The Daily Beast:

In contrast to the old Democratic notions embraced by the likes of Harry Truman or the late California Governor Pat Brown, today’s progressives promote social control and the consolidation of a cognitively determined world order. Its promise amounts to forging a kind of high-tech middle ages in which the new aristocracy—techies, media grandees, financial moguls, academics, high-level bureaucrats—dominate while the middle class becomes increasingly serf-like.

What strategies would counter the would-be neo-feudal masters? Here are some proposals: make energy cheaper and more abundant, stop subsidizing the new aristocracy, require higher standards of proof to import so-called “knowledge workers”, break up monopolies, have the Justice Department go after their zoning restrictions as illegal segregation.

5 comments… add one
  • ... Link

    Judicious use of a national razor.

  • TastyBits Link

    Globalization is about the global interconnected financial systems based upon credit backed currency. I know. I know.

    In the old fashioned feudal system, those above you lived off of what was skimmed off the top, but in today’s system, there would not be enough to pay for the elites’ lifestyles even if 100% were confiscated. The only possible way is for currency to be created to support them.

    Furthermore, these elites produce nothing of value. If Paul Krugman, George Soros, Sen. Mitch McConnell, George Will, etc. were to vanish tomorrow, what would be lost? How would the US be worse off? They do not even produce entertainment value. They are the ultimate deadweight loss.

    The only way that this worthless jetsam and flotsam is able to take up valuable space in the 1st class cabins is because of the valueless currency they ensure is produced in prodigious amounts each year.

    I go on and on about this because once you know how the illusion is done, you can keep from being hustled. The financial system is based upon an illusion, and there is no group of people behind it actively working to keep and further the illusion. There is no “One World Order” or whatever it is being called today.

    It is simply the natural progression. It is part inertia, and it is part expansion of what is working for those who can expand it. The inertia stops or greatly slows any shrinkage, and changing those in charge simply changes what is expanded. It is more or less on autopilot. The experts in charge of the economy do not have a clue about how it works, and thus, they have been flailing about these past eight years.

  • walt moffett Link

    Lots of interesting ways in Alinsky’s rules, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli however, mockery as practiced by Twain, Howard, Howard and Fine, drives them nuts. Even better though is keep living as you have been.

    Noticed a while back the DOJ was looking at court cases to force inner city schools and suburban schools to merge. Something that should continue as a way of making them play by their rules. Also consider building homeless shelters and drug rehab clinics in the low crime gated suburbs public green spaces.

  • Also consider building homeless shelters and drug rehab clinics in the low crime gated suburbs public green spaces.

    That’s actually a pretty good strategy. One of the best ways of avoiding getting into trouble is avoid the people who’ve been getting you into trouble.

  • walt moffett Link

    It worked for Jane Addams and the Settlement House movement.

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