Literally Hysterical

I wish that more people, journalists in particular, would take Matthew Walther’s words in The Week to heart:

Trump is shutting journalists out and complaining about them because they decided before his first day in office that his presidency was a disaster. The press is probably going to be proven correct about this, but reporters should spare us the faux-naïve surprise when he responds to their diurnal insistence that he is a fascist demagogue by making very tame jokes at their expense on Twitter. It’s not a frighteningly nihilistic assault on the freedom of the press or the nature of truth itself when he says that negative stories are “fake”: This is what politicians have always done, from John Adams to Bill Clinton. The same White House press briefings that they care so much about covering exist for the sole purpose of informing them that the administration is, weirdly, always right.

Trump will probably never love them. They won’t fawn on him as they did on President Obama or Secretary Clinton. But he might stop jerking their collective chain if they stopped going into hysterics every time he did so and it stopped being fun.

6 comments… add one
  • Guarneri Link

    Shhhhhh. Don’t let the secret out. Worse, the Democrats might hear it too.

  • bob sykes Link

    They are fake journalists producing fake news for a fake media. Most importantly, they are fake Americans. I, personally, hate them and wish them every ill imaginable. The idea that we have a free press is laughable. If every single newspaper and broadcast media were to be suppressed, we would be better off, and better informed.

    The fact that a majority of Americans voted to replace Barack/Michael with Hillary and a know serial rapist is an indication of just how corrupt, depraved and debauched a majority of the American people are. America’s problem is its people. Jeremiah is the prophet for our time.

    Meanwhile, the long-awaited Israeli-Iran war appears to be starting.

  • You are wrong on multiple counts. Hillary Clinton won a plurality of votes cast. A majority of Americans did not vote for her. About 27% of registered voters voted for her.

    You appear to be far more eager for a war between Israel and Iran than I. The Iranians are not Arabs. You should check into what happened during the Iran-Iraq War.

  • Gray Shambler Link

    “Iranians are not Arabs” No, they are Aryans, Caucasians, formidable foes. Anti-Semitic to their core. If you’re looking forward to the return of the Third Reich, with an Islamist flavor, there you are.
    If it’s war, we won’t allow Israel to lose. But this is not Iraq. Iran has a population of some 80 million people, and like people everywhere, they will fight for their homeland.

  • steve Link

    “they decided before his first day in office that his presidency was a disaster. ”

    The media has fawned over Trump in NYC for decades. No, what happened here is that Trump glommed on to the fact that campaigning against the media is a winning strategy on the right. I think of it as a variant of the stabbed in the back explanation. If only the media wasn’t so biased, conservatives would win every election, not just a little over half of them. Trump did this wholeheartedly, not pussyfooting around like most other politicians. He catered to the crazed and rabid, and the erstwhile normal and moderate groups in the party jumped on board. (See above comment.) Journalists needed guards to get safely out of his rallies.

    So that is the history here and what has really happened. Do some journalists hold a grudge? Probably, but most are just reporting what Trump says. Which is why 90% of his coverage is negative.

    That said, not sure it really matters. Talk with the Trump supporters. They really believe that Trump never lies. They believe everything he says. That only he can lead the country. Anything negative anyone says just makes them believe more strongly.


  • Modulo Myself Link

    A) Walther and the people who believe this are not having fun. Trust me. It’s a weird bitter lie.

    B) The hysterical anti-Trump media just took down the very liberal AG of NY. The fake news people loved it. If the same article was written about Trump (it has) they would call it media hysteria.

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