Let the Ad Hominems Begin!

Ken Rogoff explains why fiscal stimulus won’t solve the eurozone’s problems:

The eurozone’s difficulties, I have long argued, stem from European financial and monetary integration having gotten too far ahead of actual political, fiscal, and banking union. This is not a problem with which Keynes was familiar, much less one that he sought to address.

Above all, any realistic strategy for dealing with the eurozone crisis must involve massive write-downs (forgiveness) of peripheral countries’ debt. These countries’ massive combined bank and government debt – the distinction everywhere in Europe has become blurred – makes rapid sustained growth a dream.

The way I’ve characterized the problem is that as long as Germany and Greece use the same currency and Germans believe that Greece is a fiscal shambles because the Greeks are lazy and profligate, Greece’s problems will only get worse. The same for Spain, Italy, and Portugal. When France joins countries of the “eurozone periphery” in economic decline and fiscal problems, the fur will really begin to fly.

Meanwhile, I expect the immediate response to Dr. Rogoff’s comments, as obvious as they are, to be personal attacks on him on the grounds that he’s a partisan hack, that his work on deficits has been thoroughly debunked, etc. As he notes at the beginning of the piece:

Commentators are consumed by politics, flailing away at any available target, while the “anti-austerity” masses apparently believe that there are easy cyclical solutions to tough structural problems.

7 comments… add one
  • Ben Wolf Link

    And yet you don’t call Rogoff out for repeatedly setting up straw men to knock down.

  • Is that relevant to this article of his?

  • Ben Wolf Link

    So he sets up one straw-man after another to knock down. But I guess saying that is ad hominem.

  • Ben Wolf Link


    Only if you’re not blind.

  • Yes. It’s ad hominem. It is a fallacy.

  • Ben,

    Perhaps you can highlight one of the straw man arguments you see in the article and why it is a, in your view, a straw man argument?

  • Ben Wolf Link

    @Dave Schuler

    Ad hominem is an attack against the person rather than their argument. Noting Rogoff is attacking an argument which no one is making is not ad hominem

    I’ll give you a hint: Read the title. Read the final paragraph. Then read the first paragraph. The problem should have jumped out screaming at you, foam flying in all directions within the first six seconds of reading, but if you still can’t wrap your mind around something obvious to a mental midget like myself then you can try reading this:


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